New Equipment Purchase - Question

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Thanks to a bank error in my favor and my Christmas bonus arriving late (today) I have decided after much hemming and hawing to purchase my Scuba Gear just in time for my Key Largo trip!

I figured since eventually I am going to buy the equipment anyway, why not now?

I have done alot of reasearch here on the board and have found my way to Scubatoys and have pretty much decided on their Zeagle Package

Zeagke Brigade BC w/ Rear Weight pockets
Zeagle ZX Flathead XI
Envoy Octo
Aeris Atmos AI instead of the Tusa IQ-700

So my only questions are -

Should I upgrade to the Ranger -
I plan on doing both Tropical (travel) diving as well as Local quarry and Saltwater diving (NY/NJ), or stick with the brigade and down the line if needed add a Ranger bladder? (And I have seriously considered a BP/W but have decided against it)

Should I upgarde the BC for the Octo +?
(A friends reccomendation - didnt see too much pro or con here)

Finally do I really need the Air Integrated computer or is the Tusa IQ-700 just as good or better than the Aeris?

Thanks alot for all the info that I have already goten from this board!

Thanks to a bank error in my favor and my Christmas bonus arriving late (today) I have decided after much hemming and hawing to purchase my Scuba Gear just in time for my Key Largo trip!

I figured since eventually I am going to buy the equipment anyway, why not now?

I have done alot of reasearch here on the board and have found my way to Scubatoys and have pretty much decided on their Zeagle Package

Zeagke Brigade BC w/ Rear Weight pockets
Zeagle ZX Flathead XI
Envoy Octo
Aeris Atmos AI instead of the Tusa IQ-700

So my only questions are -

Should I upgrade to the Ranger -
I plan on doing both Tropical (travel) diving as well as Local quarry and Saltwater diving (NY/NJ), or stick with the brigade and down the line if needed add a Ranger bladder? (And I have seriously considered a BP/W but have decided against it)

Should I upgarde the BC for the Octo +?
(A friends reccomendation - didnt see too much pro or con here)

Finally do I really need the Air Integrated computer or is the Tusa IQ-700 just as good or better than the Aeris?

Thanks alot for all the info that I have already goten from this board!

You may as well buy something for all the possible diving you may want to do. As far the octo ... get it. As far as the Tusa vs Aeris. I'd say away from air-integrated for now. Besides the Tusa IQ-700 is a two gas computer ... but scubatoys can advise you on that one as well.
1. Should I upgrade to the Ranger -
No, based on your dive plan, I would stick with the Brigade. In my opinion, the Ranger wing is unnecessarily large for single tank diving, and is much more bulky as the result.

2. Should I upgarde the BC for the Octo +?
Personal preference, and there is a lot of debate on this topic. I don't like the bulk and controls of the Octo+, and would go with Envoy octo.

3. Finally do I really need the Air Integrated computer or is the Tusa IQ-700 just as good or better than the Aeris?
You don't need an air integrated computer. But if you like it, go for it. I really like the UI and screen of the Tusa IQ-700. One the best designed and most intuitive computers on the market.

Have a great time, and let us know how it works out!

You have put an excellent package together.
You seem to have done some good research.
Stay with your original plan which you outlined above.

Zeagle Brigade BC w/ Rear Weight pockets
Zeagle ZX Flathead XI
Envoy Octo
Aeris Atmos AI instead of the Tusa IQ-700

How about a travel bag to put everything in, and a mesh gear bag for the boat?
And, a 5/3 full suit for diving this time of year in Key Largo?

I have a Ranger, and I love it, but, it is a little excessive. When I dive dry in saltwater, and I am weighted with 34 lbs, I do like the Ranger's big lift capacity.

You will like the ability to adjust your trim with those rear weight pockets.

In the tropics, I put 1lb in each rear pocket, and 4lbs in each front pocket.
In freshwater drysuit conditions, I put 3lbs in each rear pocket, and 10lbs in each front.
In Saltwater drysuit conditions, I add a belt.

My dive buddy is selling his Ranger and getting a Stilletto because it is more streamlined, and suits his diving habits better.

There has been a debate over the octo+. Personally, I wouldn't get it. I don't like the idea of sharing air and controlling bouancy with the octo+ while its in my mouth.

My wife has an Aeris AI, and I am constantly trying to steal it from her. My Aeris Atmos 2 wrist computer is great, but I would enjoy the AI.

I have had great experiences with Scubatoys. Talk to Larry personally, and tell him you are a Scubaboard member. You will get an extra little discount. He will honestly answer questions which didn't get addressed here.

Have a great trip with your new gear!
before you buy the AI or the Tusa or any consol computer think about it!! I bought the AI like 4 months ago and want to switch to a wrist computer with spg... Don't make the same mistake i did!!!! Have Fun Diving
My dive buddy is selling his Ranger and getting a Stilletto because it is more streamlined, and suits his diving habits better.

I'm not sure what you buddy can get for his ranger, or how much he is planning on paying for the stilletto, but he can order the brigade bladder and just turn his ranger into a brigade sans roll down pocket, and then if he ever decides he needs more lift, he can toss the ranger bladder back on. It's about a 10 minute job to swap back and forth.

Just a thought!
Thanks for all the advice -

I am calling on Monday to order -

I have decided against the Octo +, against upgrading to the ranger and its just a matter of the computer to think about ....

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