Yes, you never know about instabuddies, and there's maybe a higher chance a photographer will pay less attention to you. (I'm married to a photographer, and ... never mind
) Anyway hard to guess if they will be swimming off in pursuit of something, or going real slow looking for stuff and waiting for the perfect shot. If you hook up with one of the latter it might work out and you may get to see some interesting stuff if they're a good spotter.
But when you're new to the sport is exactly when it's better to not be messing with a camera. You want really good buoyancy control before using a camera. You want all your skills to be solid and second nature before having the distraction of a camera. And cameras can also increase your air consumption. I would suggest not taking a camera on your first dives. If you're interested you won't get over the need, but you will be better prepared later.

But when you're new to the sport is exactly when it's better to not be messing with a camera. You want really good buoyancy control before using a camera. You want all your skills to be solid and second nature before having the distraction of a camera. And cameras can also increase your air consumption. I would suggest not taking a camera on your first dives. If you're interested you won't get over the need, but you will be better prepared later.