Completely agree with that sentiment! All the instructors our LDS referred us to were with both PADI and NAUI (and probably a few others), so it's mostly a choice between cost (PADI always seems to be significantly more), reading material, and agency-specific requirements.
I've read in a couple places that PADI teaches drysuit-only buoyancy, while the other agencies do not, and most folks seem to disagree with this stance. Not sure how critical this is in our choice between the two.
Also agree about the (lack of) necessity of collecting certifications, but a drysuit cert apparently has some use. (Not that it's necessarily on my bucket list, but "Silfra" gets mentioned a lot in that context?) Also figure it can count towards the AOW specialties at some point, although as I'm rec-focused, we may just putter around forever with OW, I suppose. Lots to see at the OW limit still.
Also, I guess in theory you can learn drysuit without a class, but my wife and I are unlikely to do that. And then might as well pick up the cert at that point? The training materials cost doesn't seem to be the big factor here, at least for NAUI, more the instructor time and rentals.
Definitely will prioritize picking up nitrox eventually, since that's just a quick class, but we're pretty good about sucking down all our air quickly right now

, so extending our NDL times isn't that appealing yet. (I made it about 30 minutes on an HP100 for our second dive of the last day, although we were also pretty cold.)
Anyway, I know nothing practical about any of this stuff, so open to opinions from the more experienced!