I agree Mark is a stand up person,and I like this course that he did from the bits I have seen. To go askew for a moment I really hate to see the practice of racoon tailing stages like in the :19 to :26 mark of the video. I know this is something that you guys do,but it really has a huge impact on the cave. I remember seeing someone coming out the Eye with two stages on the crotch strap and sticking straight up from being positive,and it was beating the **** out of the cave. I am sure it is a practice that works well in big cave like Wakulla,but when passing small areas like the key hole,lips etc,there is no control of these tanks,and it sure is tough on the cave. Off soapbox.
agreed. but when you have a ton of them it's really the only viable option. we're mostly exploring big cave up there but there are spots where we move gear through tight spots.
i can't really defend using this method coming out of the eye. it beats the cave up for sure. but if you have a stage, a scooter and a deco gas you're GOING to make contact with the cave exiting the eye. if anyone knows a way to do it without making contact I'm all ears