I Just Got A Halcyon Evolve 60 Wing, Ss Backplate & Harnes. Have Not Had A Chance To Use It. Will Be Diving With Dry Suite, Double 108's. Wondering If 60# Lift Is To Much. Any Help Would Be Greatly Appreciated.
Hi John,
Your wing does have two jobs, float your gear at the surface without you in it, and compensate for the loss of buoyancy of your exposure suit. Additionally with doubles you need to consider the weight of the gas.
Your rig is unlikely to be more than ~ 30 lbs negative, full 108's + SS backplate + regs, can light, reel etc. Maybe 35lbs a the max.
How buoyant is your DS? If we put you in your undies, and suit and put you in the water how much lead would you need to get neutral? I'm going to guess and say 25lbs. This is just a guess, and you'd be far better off testing yourself, but fo rthe sake of this example I'll say 25 lbs. If you suffer a total flood of your suit how much of this buoyancy will you loose? We can agree no more than 25 lbs and likely a fair bit less, as total floods are hard to achieve. Lets say 20 lbs.
Your tanks will hold ~18 lbs of air or nitrox, and if you have a long shallow stop you may well want to be able to inflate your DS a bit, say 5 lbs of gas.
That means you need to start the dive negative by the weight of your back gas (~18 lbs) and the extra gas for your suit (5) That's 23 lbs negative. Now add the 20 lbs you can loose from flooding your suit. That totals 43 lbs.
If you jump in the drink with full tanks and an open DS zipper you need at least 43 lbs of lift to get back to the surface.
Will 43 lbs float your rig? 43 > 35 so you are OK here, even with a stage or two.
Is a 60 lbs wing too big? Well maybe, if my assumptions are correct about your DS (and they may well not be) 60 lbs is a bit more than you need. Something ~45-50 would be OK.
Is a 60 lbs wing going to ruin your day? Probably not, but it will be a little more drag and little harder to vent than a smaller wing.