iMessage and FaceTime are protocols and use Apple’s servers. But they allow WhatsApp and Skype even though those are direct competitors to FaceTime and iMessage.Codecs have advanced enough that a typical streaming radio site uses a 64 kbps rate (yes, 64 kilobits per second). So you could do it on a fairly low bandwidth connection. Not that it wouldn't be technically challenging.
I don't think that is quite true. They won't allow Firefox and Chrome to use their own browser engines, and for a while was reserving access to the best Javascript implementation for Safari. They haven't made it impossible, but they haven't made it easy. And they have absolutely prevented compatibility with iMessage, FaceTime, etc. Now third-party apps without a direct Apple competitor they have been pretty laissez faire, it is true.
It certainly is true they have a problematic record with interoperability between their apps, whether it’s opening up their protocols or using industry standards.
I’ll have to lookup their not letting certain apps use their library.