jepuskar:....The other thing I have been looking into, is my BC only has 25lbs of lift, my wing..which I havent used yet with the drysuit has 28lbs... I am wearing about 34 lbs and my tank is 1.8lbs negative when I am diving with 36lbs max with a BC with 25lbs of lift.
No problem, common misunderstanding about lift needs vs. weight carried. When you were a kid - every try to lift a huge rock underwater only to find you could not budge it past the surface of the water? Same deal's Archimedes Principle: Any object, wholly or partly immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.
When you splash into the water you are wearing say 34lbs of lead, you have a 40lb alum 80 tank, 20lb suit, 5lb regulator, your own body weight - say 170lbs, etc., etc. way more than the 25lb lift capacity of your BC! The BC will be able to float you and all your gear no problem. Remember when you add weight to your "system" you are adding enough weight to enable you to sink from the surface and stop at 20' and slowly ascend to the surface. The weight of the water pushing back on you combined with your lift devices will allow you to become positively buoyant.
It is certainly possible to be overweighted for your buoyancy devices though! If you threw on double steel 120's with 100lbs of lead you are going to sink like a stone and a 25lb BC will do nil! So it's important to be carefully "leaded". Figure this out in the shallows such that you can ditch weight or hand it off to a buddy to figure it out.
Sorry...long babble.....