I have fundies coming up in September here in So Cal then somewhere between Nov of this year and Feb of next I would like to head out to High Springs and take NSS Apprentice Cave and TDI Advanced Nitrox with Capt Jim. Its been about 9 years since I traveled outside of California by plane for any diving and that was pure recreation with the wife in the Caribbean.
I have read all of Capt Jims information and I feel once I get down the letter I will call and cover any loose ends but I'm a planner. I'm just trying to figure out the plan of attack.
I will need a day to look over the area, get the tanks, shake hands with the players, move into my room, get a shakedown from Capt Jim, etc.
X amount of days for the class lets say 5.
Then 1 day of no diving before I fly back.
I need to rent a car and I am guessing I will fly into Gainsville.
Hope to stay at the Rumhouse.
I have all the gear I think I will need and will double check that with Jim before I make my way.
Will need to rent tanks.
Who has made this journey? Tips and Tricks? Food ideas? What am I missing?
Yep I could have burned up Capt Jims ear but I though this would be a good tool for others to use too.