Thanks for your response. i appreciate that very much. My POLICY is to never restrict a dive as to time and it seems Ricardo did not respect my policy. I will deal with that. Thank you.
Dave Dillehay
Aldora Divers
Dave, did you see my trip report on Cozumel 3 weeks ago where I went into detail about my diving experience will Aldora, mostly good but my last dive was cut short because we were paired with 2 divers breathing air while we were on Nitrox, and I was admonished by the Dive Master for staying below them on the reef because I still had plenty of gas left?
Here's the link to my trip report.
While we're at it, did you see my personal message to you about my dive computer transmitter that was not returned to me when we checked out at your dive shop and I'm still waiting for it after 3 weeks and several calls to the shop?