If my sons can't do the night dive per the dive master. Would it be to crazy to request a night dive solo? If I can't get my sons to dive with me? Maybe I can find someone to go with me. I love the lobster caves and octopuses inking on us
In Cozumel there is always a DM in the water. If an op was willing to take you out solo, you'd have a buddy in the DM.
What's up with rules? Sorry to be a pest but I can only pray we get on a safe boat with an experienced dive master who lays out a perfect dive plan. Who is constantly observing all divers. Not just some arrogant DM. I have had my share of that crap. Feeling you have to tip the DM beforehand the dive to get any attention. I have horror stories but would never name names, They are no longer anyway. We want steel tanks and dive computers for everyone on our boat. I have some old ones but would like to rent some. Do you provide that service? Also if I book a night dive and no other divers will it be canceled. Keeping in mind I know that the costs for a solo diver has to break the bank.
It is not the best you can do that you "pray to get a safe boat with a experienced DM who lays out a perfect dive plan." This is where you do your research, contact ops who meet your minimum criteria of tanks and group size and exchange some emails. Diving in Coz is NOT Russian Roulette. The biggest concern I have when diving in Coz is not the op or DM, but other divers who are unsafe. I would ask why you need a DM who is constantly observing all divers? I am not even sure how that is possible (100% of the time to be watching 100% of the divers?)
Yes, DMs in Coz need to have the experience to select sites that will be appropriate for the group and the conditions of that day. They are also responsible for providing a good briefing that let's everyone know about what to expect regarding the that particular site and the dive plan. That being said, once you are in the water, you need to be responsible for your dive. If you need a DM to remind you to check your air or to keep track of your consumption on your behalf, that's a problem. If you need a DM to tell you when it is time to ascend, that is a problem, as well. You should have an SMB in case you get separated from the group. You need to know the name of your boat and captain. The Captains and DMs in Coz work really hard and the good ones have a lot of information, knowledge and have a good camaraderie between them.
Who is Allison? Does she have steel 120's. And night dives? Fast boats? What kind of motors do you have? Another dive horror was when we were way out in BVI WHEN THIER YAMAHA MOTOR TOOK A DIVE! And not with us. Finally another dive opp showed up and towed us in. After a hour of drifting scared half to death as my daughter was doing her first real dives..
In this day and age, virtually every dive op has a website with all of this info on it. Only a couple are regularly active on SB, Dave (Aldora) and Christie Blue XTC).
So if it's only me I can get a night dive? That's awesome...
Some ops guarantee a night dive on specific nights, but not any night you want it.