From experience with a cat on my lap as I type this I can tell you unless the cat is ill or old if he/she is peeing on your stuff especially clothes then you did something to make them mad. Cats are like women. They will say they forgive you but every time they get a chance they will get even for even minor transgressions and say they did not mean it. A cat will come up and cuddle with you and then go piss on your rug or shred your drapes over the time you accidentally stepped on their tail or did not feed them fast enough. My Black cat is jealous as hell. She knows she is not allowed on the counter. A couple weeks ago a new stray showed up and I've been feeding her, petting her outside, and even let her in once. Now Charlie( the black cat) not only goes up on the counter but will actually lay there and stare at me, as if daring me to chase her off! Now I'm a true cat person as I expect cat hair everywhere. And if you come to my house be prepared to leave with a few hairs. I vacuum the carpet and furniture but hey you can't get all of it. If that's an issue oh well, the cat lives here you do not.
Now as for urine. So far they have not gone on anything that I can't throw away. The bathroom rug I had got some cat pee on it when the older cat somehow went over the side of the litter box. I washed it seperately, used lysol, washed and hung it outside. No luck. One of them would still go on it but not much. Just a little as if putting a small reminder on it. It is now outside and the stray is using it as a bed but not peeing on it. THe only other thing is a towel that fell of the rack into the litter box. I found it half buried and threw it away. But Lynne is correct, the problem is not the carpet itself, but the pad underneath. As long as they can smell it they will go there. And new cats will do the same. I know one family who went so far as to put a new subfloor down after moving into a house where the previous owners had pet problems and the new pets picked up on it right away. Try the methods discussed but most of all do not piss off your cat!