Neck Seal

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Canada,B.C., Vancouver
Hi everyone,

I just got a question about neck seals. Last week I bought a dry suit (white's drysuit, shell style), and it fit perfectly except for the neck area. It was so tight I could see my face turning red in the mirror. I took it back to the store and they cut off one ring off of the neck seal. Did a dive the next day, and it was leaking and I got drenched so bad. So now I am wondering is there anything I can do to get it fix any home made remedies i could try, other then sending the suit back to be repaired. So far I have heard
1) tucking the edges of the neck seal inside.
2) don't lubricate the seal with liquid silicon before diving (i know it was stupid, but i am a beginner. I should have lubricated after the dive and let it dry for a day or two)
3) something about a collar? whatever that is, can't find the info on yahoo, could someone elaborate? Is it like a dogcollar that you wrap around your neck?
That about it.
Looking forward to hearing your suggestiosns


DUI makes/made a neoprene band that you can put on before the suit to essentally make your neck bigger. Best bet is to look at it again, confirm that it is in fact too loose and that you didn't accidently have it rolled or something in it.

If it is too big, I'd replace it rather than deal with trying to make it fit. You should be able to get it done locally for about $75 bummer though.

First, make sure all hair, necklesses, or undergarments aren't allowing the water to get in. You might have to shave your neck! It doesn't sound like the latex seal is too big if your turning red so I'd not trim the seal futher for now.
BioSeals are latex bands that can be purchase for wrist and neck that go on prior to donning the actually neck seal, the same source for Biofins, sells them. I haven't tried them so I'm going by the literature only.
I too have a new drysuit and guess what, it was a total wet suite last weekend. I'm learning right along with you. If I can't solve my leak I'll change the seal for a neoprene seal.
I used to get wet all the time and I still can get a good soaking.

If you went from red faced to wet with one ring it is probably technique rather than the seal trimming.

A couple of things to look at, from my imperfect memory:
1)Neck shaving - This actually is important
2)When you don the suit, run your fingers around the seal and make sure that it is not folded, creased, bunched, etc. You want to have as much of the seal touching your skin as possible. Depending on your neck's shape you may want to move the seal up or down to get the right fit.
3)After you have the seal and it is in the right spot and isn't screwed up then you may want to do the fold trick. I don't personally, but if it works, it works.
4)During the dive large head motions, neck twisting, and anything that changes the shape of your neck may pop the seal. I do this from time to time while looking in crannies. Try to keep you head still and pivot/move your body.
5)If you really pooch the seal during the dive, it can roll up on you. You'll need to unroll it if this happens.

So, that leaves the questions of
1)How much motion is too much?
2)How can I tell what "the right fit" is?

Well, the only way to figure that out is by doing it wrong a couple of times. You seem to have the 1st iteration out of the way, so it is all downhill from here! :)

Everybody gets wet from time to time in their drysuits. All part of the game, don't you see.

Have fun,

PS. A too tight neck seal is a bad thing! Water retention and lack of blood to the brain is very bad. I would always get headaches for my dives for a while before I took another ring off. If you notice pain, swelling, headaches these are a good sign that things are too tight.
Until you can tell by feel, dress in front of a mirror or car window so you can look at your reflection to make sure the neck seal is smooth all the way around. Or have your dive buddy check it for you. Also make sure the undergarment collar is not peeking out of it anywhere.

You'll get there. Many ways to end up damp or wet with a drysuit. Gotta love those Thinsulate undergarments that keep you warm whether wet or dry!!

Drysuits are really less-wet suits. I agree that if you only took off one ring it is unlikely it is too loose. It is more likely you rolled the collar or had something in seal. The silicone on the neck seal was not a good idea, use talcs powder if you need help to get it on.

Some seals need to be turned over on themselves so the outside surface is against your skin. Make sure you know how the seal works.
Hi everyone,

I just got a question about neck seals. Last week I bought a dry suit (white's drysuit, shell style), and it fit perfectly except for the neck area. It was so tight I could see my face turning red in the mirror. I took it back to the store and they cut off one ring off of the neck seal. Did a dive the next day, and it was leaking and I got drenched so bad. So now I am wondering is there anything I can do to get it fix any home made remedies i could try, other then sending the suit back to be repaired. So far I have heard
1) tucking the edges of the neck seal inside.
2) don't lubricate the seal with liquid silicon before diving (i know it was stupid, but i am a beginner. I should have lubricated after the dive and let it dry for a day or two)
3) something about a collar? whatever that is, can't find the info on yahoo, could someone elaborate? Is it like a dogcollar that you wrap around your neck?
That about it.
Looking forward to hearing your suggestiosns



I think you cut a bit too much off. One ring is actually a lot, does not sound like it but it is.
Try some of the other suggestions that were mentioned and if it still leaks, just have whites replace it. The last lime I picked up a new suit, the same thing happend with me. I took a 1/2 ring off, and stretched it a couple times, squirtes some KY liquid and it was perfect.
thanks guys for all the suggestions
Can someone also explain about the collar thing?
You put the collar around you neck first and then put your suit on with your neck seal of the suit over top. In essance you are using the collar to make your neck thicker.

Next time you have a seal that is too tight try putting a 2 litre soda bottle in the neck and let it sit over night. This will usually stretch the seal just a little bit and make it more comfortable.
Hi everyone,

I just got a question about neck seals. Last week I bought a dry suit (white's drysuit, shell style), and it fit perfectly except for the neck area. It was so tight I could see my face turning red in the mirror. I took it back to the store and they cut off one ring off of the neck seal. Did a dive the next day, and it was leaking and I got drenched so bad. So now I am wondering is there anything I can do to get it fix any home made remedies i could try, other then sending the suit back to be repaired. So far I have heard
1) tucking the edges of the neck seal inside.
2) don't lubricate the seal with liquid silicon before diving (i know it was stupid, but i am a beginner. I should have lubricated after the dive and let it dry for a day or two)
3) something about a collar? whatever that is, can't find the info on yahoo, could someone elaborate? Is it like a dogcollar that you wrap around your neck?
That about it.
Looking forward to hearing your suggestiosns


Count on being WET for the first few dives. When I first got my Drysuit I also was soaked for the first3-5 dives. At first I thought I had bought a bad suit...or one that didn't fit right. But after I got used to it, and adjusted my technique, I found I could dive dry as a bone. What I didn't realize at first is that I had to modify how I moved my head.In a wetsuit it isn't as big a deal to whip your head around at sharp angles...those things let in water anyways. However, in a drysuit you should try and move your torso and head as one piece....that should keep the seal tight and minimize the water inflow. I also found that having the right hood helped keep me drier as well. The hood I bought with the suit was a Seaquest that had a zipper running up the back. It was very easy to get on, but wasn't quite snug enough. I tried a buddies one piece(no zipper) Henderson, and it was much better for preventing water seepage into the neck seal. Needless to say I bought one for myself, and I have been dry as a bone ever since.Mind you my suit is a neoprene with a rollover neoprene neck seal, but these tips should help with latex seals as well. My advice...just keep diving with the suit and work on your will get better. Like everything else in diving its...practice practice practice, and dive, dive, dive!

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