See what sheepskin-selling winds up with?
<<100 years ago, to get a PhD or Masters you had to break new ground in whatever field you were studying. No new groundbreaking reseach in your dissertation, no degree. Period. There was a real VALUE to those credentials back then, in that you really WERE an expert in some field.?>>
You still have to do something that has never been done before for a PhD. How meaningful your new "contribution" is to the world of science or whatever is up to you and the institution you go to. But, PhD. does not necessarily equate to ethical (your example of you boss's boss) or common sense.
<<Nowdays you pay your money, take your class, pass some "standard" and get your sheepskin. It now represents nothing more than a C-card, really, and may actually represent less. Indeed, all it means is that you will put up with Bull Sxxx (BS), More Sxxx (MS), or being Piled Higher and Deeper (PhD). It no longer means that you actually understand the subject matter or even its foundation!>>
You will always find schools or dive instructors that turn out an "inferior" product, but where you go and who you learn from is up to you. The learning part, how much and how in depth, has as much to do with the student's motivation than the instructor.
<<All that matters is that you fed the machine with money, put up with the machine for the prescribed amount of time, and it spat out a piece of sheepskin.>>
All that matters to who?
<<In such a world, it is not impossible to avoid buying the sheepskin. However, you DO need to know what you're doing, because you cannot fall back on that piece of paper - indeed, you have to be able to PROVE that you know what you're doing.>>
No doubt. But, it is harder to get someone to let you prove you know what you are doing without a diploma or c-card than without one. A diploma helps you get an interview, but once there, the best interview usually wins, not the highest diploma.
<<When I started diving, I believed the agency "party line", because that's all I had. It didn't take long for my BS gong to start sounding though, and the more research I did, the more loudly it rang.>>
I agree that there are many qualified people diving without certifications. But, if I own property used by cave divers, do I let a person go in who has no proof of some base level of knowledge? Hell no, his wife sues my butt and takes everything I own IF he doesn't come back out.
If the cave is not on a property who regulates who can and can not dive there (are there any?), if someone wants to go in the cave without proper training (whether learned by experience from "mentors" or certs), it is there own fault whatever happens. It is like the bikers with or without helmets. I think it is stupid to motor around without protecting your head, but if someone doesn't, fine, they, hopefully are organ donors and will save a few other people in need of what the donor has put at risk needlessly.