NC Shark Diving

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Morehead City
This past weekend has been incredibile for close shark encounters. Diving with Olympus Dive Center was an incredible experience, as always. We dove the Aeolus, U-352, Spar, Schurz, Caribsea, and the Ashkabad. Visibility was 50+ feet and even inshore on the Indra we had 40ft. There were too many sharks to count on the wreck of the Caribsea, over 200 on the bow alone. The sharks were stacked up like a school of baitfish in the water column. Check out the video by Mike Gerken at North Carolina Wrecks 2012 - Evolution Underwater Imaging - Mike Gerken | SmugMug . I can't wait to get back diving!!!
We had a group there in Early June just after the storm passed through
I can't say enough about the quality of the diving off North Carolina
We will be doing another trip there next year and we can't wait
For those of you who haven't done it just go. You may not see 200 sharks but you will see some Just do it
Really enjoyed your video and some of those shots. Hope to dive that someday. Nice to see how full bodied some of the sand tigers looked.

Great video! When we dove the Spar last year it was covered with sand tigers, but nothing like the numbers in your video. I am headed down for three days of diving with Olympus in early Sept. hope the conditions are good.
Thanks for the report. Heading down next week for three days out with Atlantic Beach Divers. The last time I was in Morehead City we got blown out all three days and never step foot on a boat. I'm hoping for better weather this year.
2013 Shark Diving North Carolina Trip is Set for Hollywood Divers. June 22 2013 ...5 days of Diving. If anyone wants to do "Scuba Diving Magazines Top Pick" Diving call us if you want to go with our group. We are Staying in an Oceanfront 3 Story Condo and the Diving during that time of year does not disappoint. Talk to Hal 323 969 9666

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