Pete,I agree, its from a Broxton or "Trade Mark" reg. I'm thinking about 1954 or earlier.
The "square" or sharp angles and as cast surfaces are what you look for. Here is one from a Trade Mark I did last year for a friend.
This yolk would probably be from an "DX Overpressure Breathing" regulator, USD's first single stage regulator. I say that because, from the angle you took the photograph, it looks like a single stage regulator, and not a DA Aqualung or DA Navy. I don't think that the yolks off their two stage regulators would fit on a single stage, even if they look outwardly the same. The DX Overpressure Breathing regulator did also have those yolks. However, I may be mistaken, as if the angle is different and it shows that this is a two-stage regulator, then you are correct.