My venture into Sidemount.

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Actually I can tolerate down to 65!

phaust, have you ever plumbed trimix into your dry suit?
Actually I can tolerate down to 65!

phaust, have you ever plumbed trimix into your dry suit?

Since phaust didn't answer, I'll bite! :) Besides an extremely expensive buoyancy air, what other issues are there?

Would the helium be light enough to make a difference? Also, with its tiny molecules, wouldn't it be cold? :idk:
That's Rob's point, Jax -- if you use helium as a suit gas, you get very, very cold. Peter found that out the hard way when his Argon reg died up in Canada. But Argon is better than air or Nitrox, too.
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:cool3: Thanks! I was just guessing . . . . I will not make that mistake, I hope!
Actually I can tolerate down to 65!

phaust, have you ever plumbed trimix into your dry suit?

no, i always used air, it's why i was asking, seem that it's make a difference?
Helium is cold. It's not something you want to fill your dry suit with.
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Cool! :dance3: I guessed right on the cord.

Water cold enough to require argon . . . that's any water under 75o, right? :D

... I only use argon when water temps drop below 45o ... or if I'm diving trimix ... then again, I'm built like a harbor seal ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
no, i always used air, it's why i was asking, seem that it's make a difference?

A while back, I read everything I could find on it. Thermal characteristics are that it conducts heat 15% less than air. Anecdotal evidence is that people feel warmer.

Sorry, not going to re-research. :)
Finally made my first SM dive (in my brother's pool). I definitely have more work to do, but; nothing insurmountable. Need to shorten my bungie, need a longer LP inflator and corrugated hose, slightly shorter hose for my bungied reg, tune my hose routing, and definitely lose the boots on my tanks. My brother wasn't able to get in the water with me so no pics. :( My trim felt pretty good, but I'll save affirmation for the photos from the next venture after taking care of the above small items. For my first solo venture I was pretty much pleased and happy. I think I'm gonna like this SM thing! :wink:
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...need a longer LP inflator and corrugated hose...

What length do you currently have? The standard size they send is too long. Cave Adventurers special orders the Nomads they buy with the shorter corrugated hoses. Those hoses will stretch over time so I'd hold off on replacing that.

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