My trip in the Cozumel Chamber (very long)

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I'm not trying to start anything here but comments like this is how rumors get started. The original post states, "When Jeanie got there she advised me that she had called a family practice physician..."

Again, I agree with most of your statements and am in no way trying to be a jerk. I just want to make sure that the facts are clear. Now if you meant that BA didn't call the Doctor that treated Chuck then that is another story. ;)

No, I didn't think you were being a jerk at all. You just wanted the facts to be clear. I did mean that the dive Operation was not the one that first called the doctor. My apologies if I misstated that.
Foremost, good to hear you're doing well Chuck. Obviously, good points brought up here. Just a quick tip and one point that hasn't been mentioned in this discusion, patent foramen ovale, or PFO. If you experience further diving related complications, especially when diving safe profiles, I'd consider getting ECHO to rule out a PFO. You can search internet, including DAN site for more information related to diving and PFO.
Foremost, good to hear you're doing well Chuck. Obviously, good points brought up here. Just a quick tip and one point that hasn't been mentioned in this discusion, patent foramen ovale, or PFO. If you experience further diving related complications, especially when diving safe profiles, I'd consider getting ECHO to rule out a PFO. You can search internet, including DAN site for more information related to diving and PFO.

Thank you for your very good advise. I have been in contact with the DAN doctors about that very subject. Of course I will follow their very good advise.
Foremost, good to hear you're doing well Chuck. Obviously, good points brought up here. Just a quick tip and one point that hasn't been mentioned in this discusion, patent foramen ovale, or PFO. If you experience further diving related complications, especially when diving safe profiles, I'd consider getting ECHO to rule out a PFO. You can search internet, including DAN site for more information related to diving and PFO.

Actually, PFO was discussed early on either in this thread or another related to the same incident.
As each day goes by I am feeling better. The naps from getting to tired quickly are getting fewer and farther between. I still have a slight nystagma in my left eye and my balanace is almost back to normal.

I have continued to stay hydrateded and have been eating a normal diet. The doctor did reccomend that I start taking some sort of a one a-day vitamin, so I have started that and we will see where it goes.

Everyday I am becomming more confident that this will be a 100% recovery. But still taking it one day at a time and very slowly.

I figure that I will be able to try diving in about 8 to 10 months. Woooo Hooooo
Glad to hear you are recovering well. We were at Tony Rome's when the news came to us that you were in the chamber. My wife and I stopped by, but we were told you would be inside for some time. I didnt get a chance to talk to your wife as she looked pretty worried. The whole Island heard about your chamber rides, it seems and most divers I talked to were waiting for news.
I strongly agree about the oxygen on the boat. The fact that the operators refused to admit you were bent is clear enough to me that they probably wouldnt have known how to administer oxygen anyway.
I grow more impressed with Christi everyday, and this just confirms all the good Ihave heard about her.
You had a an couple Angels watching over you and taught us all some very valuable lessons.
Thank you, my friend, as it may just save my life or help me save someone else's life someday.
Good luck in the future and when you head for Coz again send a post. I would be glad to dive with you.
hello everybody
First, chuck86 i'm glad your ok and improving every day and my thanks for sharing your story. I don't dive for 24 hrs when i get to my destination. I use the time to relax,hydrate myself and give my gear a final check before i start diving. I also use nitrox but dive air tables and have been doing so for awhile. I have never been to cozumel but if i get a chance to go this this year i will dive with christi's. Just for what it's worth, i work on large jets and the air you breathe in the cabin is probably the driest(-5 sp?) air you can breathe. Well that's my 2 cents and thanks everybody for your comments on this thread.
Chuck, I'm glad to hear you're doing well. I was diving yesterday and thinking about you on the safety stop... Thank you for posting it. I sent it out to a few peers too!
I will add one thing . The aspartame in diet sodas is a potent neurotoxin, and the effects are cumulatiive. Yes, we're talking about bubbles here, but an impaired nervous system negatively affects the body's capacity to recognize an on-coming problem and to heal itself once the problem occurs. Best wishes for a continued recovery.
richard ruschman:
I will add one thing . The aspartame in diet sodas is a potent neurotoxin, and the effects are cumulatiive. Yes, we're talking about bubbles here, but an impaired nervous system negatively affects the body's capacity to recognize an on-coming problem and to heal itself once the problem occurs. Best wishes for a continued recovery.

That's a bit of a reach, don't you think?

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