Do have the suit checked out. Not being able to lift your knees while standing is important. I have trouble doing just that since I gained weight and can tell you it's important from experience. You may not think about it while standing in your living room but will definitely be hindered once you are in the water and trying to climb a ladder back onto a boat! Or climb a set of stairs. Especially if the rungs of the ladder are far apart or the stairs are deep.
Just to follow up.. had a great time diving the Catalina kelp forests with the suit.. the tightness in the knees was a bit noticeable, though. The guys at Diving Concepts were terrific, though, and they spoke to me at length about this.
I think that I'll take the suit over to my LDS and have it sent in for a bit of leg lengthening (not such a big deal, according to the guy at Diving Concepts), and maybe add the zip seals for the wrist.
Thanks for all your advice..