My NC Wreck Dive Videos (U-352, Schulz, Aeolus, Spar)

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Reaction score
Mooresville NC
# of dives
200 - 499
Attention Armchair divers! Come along on four great SCUBA dives from the comfort of your desk or living room. I tried to capture the feel of being there in videos of dives on the U-352, Spar, Aeolus and Schulz (each 14-20 minutes). The dives were done from the Outrageous V with Discovery Diving in Beaufort NC 8-9 August 2011. Inexpensive equipment was used and it’s my first sincere attempt to video while diving so they are not of professional quality but I think you will find them interesting, especially if you have not had the chance to visit these splendid dive sites.
LINK: Diving the Graveyard of the Atlantic Aug 2011 on Vimeo
Very nice. My local dive shop charters one of Discovery Dive Centers boats a couple of times a year and my sons and I went along last July. I loved the U-352, here is a link to my photos of that wreck. U-352

We also dove the Spar which was my favorite dive. The wreck was surrounded by schools of baitfish and sharks. I was so fascinated watching the sharks, I didn't get many shots of the wreck. We were supposed to dive it again the next day, but were weathered out.

This trip is very high on my list of must repeat dives. Thanks for sharing the videos.
Well done, loved your sound effects, I enjoyed them. Looks like you had some pretty good conditions, lucky you!

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