Yeah, they do come from a different culture, but I have been raised both in Latin America AND in a more demure Western Culture, so I do let alot of stuff slide based on that.
But I guess the stuff that I find most offensive is when they will make comments like "So my wife likes it when I *lewd reference to various OTHER kinds of diving* how would you like it if I did that to you?"
I'm like, EXCUSE me, I highly doubt your wife would appreciate you making such comments about her OR me, so please keep them to yourself!
I'm pretty sure the sanctity of marriage transcends bot culture AND language. So I hardly think thats a valid excuse.
Also, when they come up behind me and try to hug me, I do push them off, I think thats a pretty clear indication that that is unwelcome advance.
Actually, the first time I complained about it to my instructor, he responded with "Well, how do expect the guys to act around such a provocatively dressed woman?"
Just for the record, I own two piece bathing suits, but all of them have hot pant bottoms, and three quarter length tops, no bikinis, and one piece suits with longer leg cuts are hard to come by, so I stay away from them. Also, I keep my wet suit on during all surface intervals and whenever it does not get too uncomfortable when moving tanks and equiptment. Bear in mind I'm in Belize, where its hot as hell 95% of the time, I don't see why I should have to wear a berka (sp?) and suffer just because most water-attire happens to be body hugging