My instructors are driving me to quit

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Ok, I know alot of you will see my problem and say "LOL dumb girl", but hear me out.

I was first certified as a diver as a bright eyed, bushy tailed 13 year-old, and have wanted nothing but to be a divemaster ever since. Finally, after graduating from college, I got the chance.

My dad hooked me up with a great opportunity to basically work in exchange for the course. I couldn't say no! Its a great deal, I get to go dive every day, in one of the most beautiful places in the world, and get to acheive a life goal.

However, things haven't been quite what I expected.
Firstly, I got screwed around alot on scheduling. however, I brushed that off, I mean, you don't look a gift horse and all the free diving I could dream of in the mouth right?

But the more time I spend here, the more comfortable the all-male crew I work with get with me, and thus the more brazen they are with me. Now, I told them from the get-go to not go easy on me in terms of work just cos I'm a girl and am getting a technical free ride. I'm willing to do the same work as everyone else, if I'm going to do this, I'm going to damn well earn it.
I think they misinterpreted that as "we're gonna make you work, but take some liberties about where our hands wander."

I can handle that kind of carry on from the crew, I can just slap them and go about my day. However, when my INSTRUCTORS laugh off this kind of conduct, and sometimes participate in it, its crossing a line.

Basically, I don't want to say anything, just cos I fear losing this opportunity, but I feel really uncomfortable and it distracts me from what I'm doing.

I have told them repeatedly that I want them to lay off, going to far as to fly my boyfriend out for a week to show them that I am quite taken and that they haven't got a snowball's chance in hell.

I'm out of ideas. I'm really dissuaded, and really about ready to just pack it in and go home.

Please, help me regain my faith in professionalism. I just hate that I'm beginning to want to avoid the water, because of what goes on out of the water. :(
First off, you are NOT a "dumb girl," not by a long shot. Second of all, whether they're doing this deliberately or not, it's still sexual harrassment, and they should be held accountable for it. Have you spoken to your dad about this? If you haven't, then perhaps you should. There are plenty of other ways to get your experience without having to feel uncomforable with the surroundings out of the water. It appears you've already told them to knock it off. If the problem persists, file a grievance. Best of luck with it.
Make a formal, WRITTEN complaint to your instructor or IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR regarding sexual harassment in the workplace.
If the untoward action is not abated you have ground for suit for sexual harassement.
It's that simple.
Also, touching another person's body without consent constitues a simple battery and can result in the offending party being arrested.
Harsh conditions oft require harsh measures.
You may end up losing your job, but that's a case in another court.
Stand yer ground, lass . . .
Good luck. I would be very interested to see how this all runs out.

they are sexually harassing you by creating a hostile work environment based on your
gender. that is a violation of Title VII, US Code.

far more importantly, they are belittling you as a person, and that is just shameful. i am sorry you are going through this.

this is what i would suggest. i don't know in what stage of addressing this problem you are, so i'll start at the bottom. i would not go to your dad (other than for advise and support, of course, but not to solve it for you). this is for you to solve.
you are quite capable of solving it.

1. go to your immediate supervisor and explain the problem. tell him/her that you
dont' feel comfortable and that you need them to talk to whoever is doing this and
get it to stop IMMEDIATELY.

2. next jerk who does something wrong, stop them right then and there and tell them
you don't appreciate that kind of attention. tell them you don't want them to do it

3. if in a few days things have not improved, go to the boss of the boss, the head
person, and tell them you spoke to your supervisor and nothing has happened. tell
the boss that you want it to stop at once.

if things don't improve, you have two choices:

1. you can remove yourself from the situation (i.e. quit your job); or

2. you can threaten a Title VII legal action against them. before doing that, write a letter to the people you talked to in the chain of command, outline what you have done to try to solve the problem, and you tell them that if they don't solve
the problem immediately you will file a Title VII suit against them.

you may or may not file the suit. talk to an attorney for the
pros and cons.

i am sorry you are going through this. but the longer you wait to do something about
it, the worse it will get. it will not get better if you ignore it.

best of luck to you, and i am sorry you have to deal with these idiots

First of all, you have my sympathy for the situation you are dealing with. Put plainly, it sucks. You don't say where you are, but provided you are in the US or a US territory, Andy's advise is dead on point. If you are not in a US territory, I would suggest speaking with and following up with a letter to your immediate supervisor outlining the problems, along with specific dates and incidences (include this in the letter if you are int he US as well). Also, tell them "no" clearly and loudly any time they take liberties with you (embarras them if you have to). You might also write a letter the certifying agency they teach through outlining the harasment with dates and specific incidences. Tell them you are doing this- it -might- intimidate them into ceasing this behavior.

Now, you are definitely NOT a "dumb girl". No one deserves to be harrased. Unfortunately, as a woman in the dive industry it is not an uncommon event. I dealt with the same issues 10 years ago when I was going through my instructor training (my course director dropped trau in front of me more than once while making suggestive comments, among other things). If at all possible, find a female mentor in the industry- I had a great one, and we were good friends until she passed away a couple of years ago.

Good luck, please keep us all informed of the situation, and know you have our support. If you need to vent or talk about things, feel free to PM or email me.

Whats your location? This will greatly affect the way you handle it.

Here in the Philippines where sexual harrassement suits are laughed off, I think the best way to handle it is to complain to the specific instructor who was also an a**h*le about your co-workers. This will get the specific instructor off your back. This will also filter down to your co-workers. If not, I think you can handle them. Even get into a fight but when it gets to the instructor, you already have a complaint filed. I think it is best if you complian personally, too.

I know it's not the stand up and fight attitude but you gotta use what works for where you are.
Hi Nineveh,

I'm very sorry to hear that you're having to deal with that kind of behavior. From your post in the other thread, it looks like you're in Belize?
I did a quick search and came up with the following pdf document at :


It looks like Belize has some kind of sexual harassment law, that doesn't really mean that threats of a sexual harassment claim would be taken as seriously as in the US, or if the courts would take it seriously.

I hope that you're able to find some way of stopping the harassment. Best of luck,
Sometimes I am ashamed of my own gender. Everyone else seems to have given good advice, so I'll just offer support & encouragment. Best wishes, hope that you manage to straighten things out, and even if you end up quitting this particular operation, don't stop going after your dream.
Depending on where you are at sue them and let a judge/jury deal with the idiots or get away and find some real professionals to train you.

If these people will stoop to stuff like this, do you really want these idiots/jerks being the ones who sign your "pro" card which will will mean so much to you?

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