Fire away Steve. The surgery has been nothing short of life changing, and that in a good way. So good that I'm becoming an instructor again. After my leg break, I had never healed to where I felt I could rescue a student. I wasn't going to put us in that predicament, so I let my certs slide. Now, with my bionic back, I could save a manatee if needed.Hi Pete,
I came to SCUBA Board to see if I could get any info on lumbar fusions.
I hope yours went well. I'm new here so I'll look around and see if you posted any updates.
I too after going the laminectomy route need to have fusions at L4-5 and L5-S1.
If you don't mind, I'd like to ask a few questions if I could.
Steve Volberding

And that has been much appreciated!I'll agree with you. I've been red for so long, I assumed...