My AN/DP/Helitrox course

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That ok if you have a lot of bottles that can have a variety of mixes in them and you use them for that specific gas, most people dont so when they change a gas they change the % MOD etc. what do you do when you travel to a third world country and you cant take your permanantly bottles with you and the bottle you got today isnt the bottle you get tomorrow
I'm not clear how you sequence/ plan your dives but once i analyse my gas i put a reg on it and then mark them both and then it goes on the boat -not sure how you can put the wrong reg on it if its marked after I put it on the bottle - the reg isnt a dedicated reg for gas type eg a green reg goes on the o2 i put a reg that is suitable for purpose and thats it

maybe im missing something how does a wrong reg get put on a bottle

I find this funny because I actually travel to foreign countries and rent bottles. The very first thing I do when I get a rental deco bottle is analyze the contents and place the appropriate MOD on the cylinder so it is clearly marked.

In terms of "having a lot of bottles" -- if you're diving in the open ocean you probably need a 50% deco bottle and maybe an oxygen bottle. Commit those two. Tech diving isn't cheap, but $300 for two deco bottles isn't going to break the bank, and if it does, then you need to re-think priorities.
Adding to what I believe is this interesting tangent. During the lock down I got to thinking about identifying staged bottles during blackout exits from caves. What I like about my solution is that I can also identify a tank I am wearing by touch and follow the hose or vise versa. I haven't had this in the water much to vet it out, but on the surface I can clearly identify them with dry gloves.

My tanks are also permanently marked in the standard manner and I tape the MOD on the 2nd stage vent after I put it on the tank.

I believe the primary cause of bad gas switches is complacency on the surface with analysis and markings. I have rarely heard of bad switches that didn't start before the dive.

Oxygen, Nitrox (50%), and Stage/Travel
You do what you want to do. Nobody's telling you you can't. But you need to realize that some pretty experienced divers (experienced in both ow and cave diving) are giving you reasons why it's not a good idea to RELY on marked regs. Nobody's saying it's stupid to use a marked reg. They're only saying no matter what any reg should be traced back to it's source. It just seems you don't want to hear that. If you're marking your regs and tracing them, then great. If you're just relying on the markings, then maybe you should reconsider. But at the end of the day you're the one doing the diving. If you're buddy's ok with how you do things, then you're good. It's just not how most agencies recommend it be done
I appreciate that - and yes i do take comments on board and i agree that tracing back to the bottle is the best option and not relying on the reg markings, "putting on the wrong regs" stance was another issue
I find this funny because I actually travel to foreign countries and rent bottles. The very first thing I do when I get a rental deco bottle is analyze the contents and place the appropriate MOD on the cylinder so it is clearly marked.
we all do - but you missed the point, what happened to your 'Permanently marking bottles works because those bottles should ONLY ever have the gas they are marked for in them."
we all do - but you missed the point, what happened to your 'Permanently marking bottles works because those bottles should ONLY ever have the gas they are marked for in them."

maybe i’m just not following you but I dont see your point. He’s basically saying he mimics a permanantly marked bottle when he travels. Obviously you cant expect to go to a destination and expect permanantly narked bottles. But you can but a bug whopping piece of tape and mark it and make sure the bottles only filled with gas that matches your marking. At the same time I’ve been cave diving in multiple countries where the shops I used did have permanatly marked stages.
My signed medical form expires July 2nd. I only have to get my doctor to sign due to allergies (hay fever, mold, pollen) and taking meds daily for them. My doctor had not been making any annual wellness appts for many weeks due to the stupid plague. My instructor checked with TDI to see if there were any exceptions to the medical form if your doctor wouldn't see you. Nope, no way around it. Good thing my doctor just started taking patients for annual wellness appts this week. My appt is in three weeks (earliest appt I could get), so any class dives would have to wait until after my appt.
My doc does video conferences. I mean, seriously, how much is there for a wellness exam? Anyway, I get no med changes unless 'sees' me. No prob, Bob. I call the front desk for a vid appointment and he sees me.

Tell your doc to get with it...
My doc does video conferences. I mean, seriously, how much is there for a wellness exam? Anyway, I get no med changes unless 'sees' me. No prob, Bob. I call the front desk for a vid appointment and he sees me.

Tell your doc to get with it...

My doc wouldn't do an annual appt via telemedicine. Had to be able to take blood pressure readings and do some poking and prodding.
My appt is in three weeks (earliest appt I could get), so any class dives would have to wait until after my appt.

Crazy how busy things are when they open up.

I re-rigged by deco bottle based on the dives last weekend.
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