My Air 2 style alternate

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For what it is worth (probably less then 2 cents), being a newbie and looking at different gear, I took a long hard look at the Air2. My initial observation was, hey, this is the way to go. Octo and inflator, all in one. But.....then I started thinking about things. What would happen in an OOA situation? I would have donated my primary and would be breathing off the Air2. I would also be trying to calm my OOA buddy so we could do a controlled ascent. That would mean that we would have to be venting air from our BC's. Now, I am breathing from the Air2, which is connected to my BC, which is also connected to my air supply. Would I be able to vent air from my BC without removing the Air2 from my mouth? or would I have to remove it to vent air.

I seriously reconsidered my first observation and decided that for now, that would be too much task loading for a newbie and his newbie buddy.

I did finally purchase a separate octo, but now am considering changing my set-up to a longer primary hose and using the bungee set-up for my octo, like a lot of others have done or are considering to do. I just have to get to the LDS and check on the price of a longer hose for my primary. I have read posts here about how to set-up a bungee for the octo, so I don't think that will be too much of a problem.

Just my less-than-two-cents worth.

I find it interesting that people complain about a long hose and a bungee around there neck and haven’t even tried it.

And when they see that there has been problems with AIR2 style backups its practice more. Can’t be the AIR2 style!
I knew I shouldn't have uncapped my pen. I still haven't seen any posts that tell why an AIR II style is dangerous. One less hose, one less piece of equipment to maintain, more frequent use which means total familiarity on where it is, etc. I have used a long hose in different configurations and so have most of my staff. And from a recreational diving standpoint, we all find it to be coumberson and get in our way more than the more sleak set ups (like AIR II's - heck, you would think DIR divers would like it for that reason, alone). And I would never say that any piece of equipment can replace practice. Look, I'm asking seriously, what has occured with AIR II (types) that have caused problems that a standard Octo would not have caused? Documented.
Bottom line anyway, is use what's best for you regardless of what others think, and practice, practice, practice.
I find it interesting that people complain about a long hose and a bungee around there neck and haven’t even tried it. And when they see that there has been problems with AIR2 style backups its practice more. Can’t be the AIR2 style!
I don't think the other posters are trying to trash your DIR style long hose and bungee, as you are trashing their Air II style, so much as point out that the original poster's solution of using the standard buddy octopus system may not be any better at preventing similar problems from happening. After all, if they have trouble telling their Air II's apart, isn't it likely they'll have trouble telling their standard rigged octopuses apart?

I just thought you were being a little harsh... I didn't see anyone dumping on your system for anyone other than themself.
I've got an air II on my single tank wing, because I had it and it is convenient for travelling (was thinking about buying a pioneer and putting an air II on it for the comedy value it would have).

I also use bungied backup around my neck when doing twin tank dives.

All a much of a muchness, every way works - even PADI's standard triangle placement.

FTR, the only OOA experience I have been involved in (as donor) was with an air II... no problemo.

I wouldn't buy one again though, simply because they are way to expensive.
My humble opinion....

Whatever works for you is the best:

If ya can't find / don't like the octo or the inflator, but you can find the necklace and like it... the necklace is the best for you.

If ya can't find / don't like the octo or the necklace, but you can find the inflator and like it... the inflator is the best for you.

If ya can't find / don't like the necklace or the inflator, but you can find the octo and like it... the octo is the best for you.

Think about your options, try them out, and whatever works best for you and your buddy is the best. For you at least. Everyone ultimately has to decide what Doing It Right (if I can steal your phrase) means for themself.

Just my 2 cents. Your mileage may vary. :D
djhall once bubbled...

I don't think the other posters are trying to trash your DIR style long hose and bungee, as you are trashing their Air II style, so much as point out that the original poster's solution of using the standard buddy octopus system may not be any better at preventing similar problems from happening. After all, if they have trouble telling their Air II's apart, isn't it likely they'll have trouble telling their standard rigged octopuses apart?

I just thought you were being a little harsh... I didn't see anyone dumping on your system for anyone other than themself.

My intent was not to be harsh but as I read it again I guess it could have been taken that way. Sorry about that. I am not DIR, just starting my diving. I too thought that the long hose and bungee around the neck would not work or be comfortable but it seems to be fine and there is no way you can not find your back up its right there by your chin.
have you never had a tough time finding your power inflator Dan? I think most of us can honestly say that we have. with gloves on, its sometimes hard to find. My point isn't that putting an octo around your neck is wrong, but that its not so different than the air2 on my inflator hose. I know exactly where it is because it can't go anywhere since it's zip-tied to the inflator hose. Also, someone mentioned venting air from their bc while using the air2. If your bc has an air2, it should have a right shoulder dump valve. Right hand with the dump valve and the left one keeping me from getting lock jaw trying to hold the air2 in my mouth. I never said it was perfect... A longer inflator hose would help out a lot, but it doesn't have to be 6' long. I personally like it and don't mind people liking the long hose octo option. They both work. I just don't like people saying they're dangerous with nothing to back it up with. I've heard people say the reg is crap and it's exactly like most of the regs in use today, a downstream valve. Some people say Ford make a crappy truck, others swear by them. Take your pick, my guess is that the air2 and fords will be around for a long time to come. Did anyone see my post about Hal Watts? He is a diving guru... he has an air2 by his side. I think safety is a big concern for someone that does the dives he has.
ScubaDan once bubbled...

My intent was not to be harsh but as I read it again I guess it could have been taken that way. Sorry about that.
That's okay. I figured it was something like that. I just hate to see people afraid to offer their opinion for fear of the responses they might get.

ScubaDan once bubbled...

I am not DIR, just starting my diving. I too thought that the long hose and bungee around the neck would not work or be comfortable but it seems to be fine and there is no way you can not find your back up its right there by your chin.
Similar story here. Though I have been certified for over ten years, I also have limited diving experience. I'd never even heard of DIR until joining this board a week ago. At first, I couldn't wait to proudly join the ranks of the anti-DIR. The DIR advocates seemed so arrogant, condescending, cocky, pushy, and secure in the objective rightness of their ways and the wrongness of all others. You know the kind of effect those attitudes create in people - the "I don't care how good you think your system may be... I'd rather walk along the bottom with my computer rotted brain, my air II octo-flator, my poodle jacket BC, my 24" primary, my 7'-hosed trolling console, and my single, K-valved, AL80 tank with the undersized pony bottle permanently welded to the side of it before I'd ever be caught prancing around horizonally like some sissy in a pair of wings, wearing a necklace, and sucking air through seven feet of hose!" You just can't help it. It's an instinctive reaction.

Then I discovered that the majority of people on this board who are sympathetic to the DIR ideas / approach / philosophy are actually fairly tolerant and reasonable people who are quite willing to throw out the pros and cons of each approach, as best they understand them, and let you make your own decision about what is best for you. Some of them are kind of sneaky, actually. You'll be reading a post, nodding your head, and thinking to yourself, "Hmm... that makes sense," before suddenly realizing the author was sneaking a DIR approved idea past you without your realizing it, hiding it in the humble camoflauge of a mere personal opinion. Anyway, I listened and thought about what a few of them had to say. And then, yes, though I am embarrased to admit it, some of them actually got me curious enough to look at the DIR-F class outline and skill videos. And, well, damn it, some of that horizontal prancing about in wings actually looked kinda useful, and some of the gear suggestions make a little bit of sense, and, well, you know... I may actually even try it one of these days. I can't say I think I would ever adopt a pure DIR setup or diving philosopy, but, bits and pieces of it could find its way into my gear bag and diving skills over time.

Just my experience so far. I hope I don't offend anyone... the DIR and Anti-DIR stereotypes are just too good to pass up. Besides, you know what they say, "Sacred cows make the best hamburgers." Keep thinking, diving, and posting.

P.S. -> Ooops... sorry, I just realized I wandered WAY off topic. Where the heck did all that come from, anyway???

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