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.... Too many people IMO still think that any sort of conservation whether mandated or not just dont matter.

The problem all fisherman (H/L, Spear, Comms) have is the data collection. None of us has an issue of conservation on a specific fish if the data is accurate. But when the PEW's and other mega fund raisers are throwing huge grant cash to 'researchers?' who have never stuck their heads underwater, but can come up with 'population models', well their findings are subject to questions. The data that is collected is not subject to peer review, only their statistical models are. Never has a fish data collection point been duplicated with statistical accurracy

Even the GAO called the data collection "fatally flawed", so how can the model results be any good?

We don't have a problem with conservation and spearo's have zero by-catch, unlike any hook and liner. We just want some data collectors who can count fish underwater than counting fish over the telephone surveys.

P.S. This whole this thread is outside the rules, my post included and should have been deleted from the very first post by Uncle Rick.
If people want to spear fish I think that they should not use scuba as this in my mind takes the sport out of spearing as sometimes I have seen divers hanging around a hole for ages waiting for a prize fish to poke its head out so that they can shoot it! Spear guys who do it to catch a meal then OK but for trophies, I cannot agree with that at all!
If people want to spear fish I think that they should not use scuba as this in my mind takes the sport out of spearing as sometimes I have seen divers hanging around a hole for ages waiting for a prize fish to poke its head out so that they can shoot it! Spear guys who do it to catch a meal then OK but for trophies, I cannot agree with that at all!

You and Chad are comparing apples to oranges. You live in a part of the world where there is no enforced regulation of the fisheries resource (I lived in the Philippines for 11 years) and obviously it CAN be overfished, by many methods other than spearing, which I'm sure has the LEAST impact.
Chad, on the other hand, lives in Florida, where there are game wardens patrolling the jetties and docks who will slap a big fine on you for under sized, out of season, taking or protected species etc etc.
You CAN have successfull management while still allowing scuba spearing. Go to Spearboard and check out the fish these guys get, year after year in Florida. It's all about management and enforcement.
I am not sure about that Chad, I live on on island where much of the spearing is subsistence fishing and not for "sport". I know a number of the World record holders on the IUSA personally and dive with them. I am pretty sure these are "real" spearfishermen.

I also see many types who are absolute nuisances. As I said before, I dont mind hunting at all, I like to fish. Too many people IMO still think that any sort of conservation whether mandated or not just dont matter. If we are stupid now we will use up our resource of the ocean.


You've backed off quite a bit from: "most & "vast majority of spearos are unethical & have no concern for the environment"... to "many who are absolute nuisances & too many think conservation doesn't matter."
That's good to hear. I can agree with some of that.

You dive with "a number of IUSA world record holders, don't mind hunting at all, & like to fish," ... That's good news too!

I can't help but you spearfish? And what island is home?

If people want to spear fish I think that they should not use scuba as this in my mind takes the sport out of spearing as sometimes I have seen divers hanging around a hole for ages waiting for a prize fish to poke its head out so that they can shoot it! Spear guys who do it to catch a meal then OK but for trophies, I cannot agree with that at all!

There are challenging places to dive and sporting fish to spear while on scuba, just like there are when freediving.

Conversely freedive spearfishing can be without sport, as can scuba shooting.

Water conditions, depths, fish species, populations and laws vary hugely around the world.

Dive deep in another man's fins...

I thought this was the spearfishing section not the why spearfishing is wrong and how bad spearfishermen are section.Somebody please delete the highly offensive and inflammatory remarks please:banned:
I almost feel dirty just ready all that drek.
BTW here's something for ya':lotsalove:
Shot in 170' on scuba as it was 10' deeper than I normally freedive:mooner:
I think it struggled for a while as I hefted it up,strung it through the eyes and his stomach embolized as we ascended.He flopped on the deck til I gutted him and pulled his heart out with my bare hand.He was delicious fried last nite.

Tommorrow I am going out have a veal marsala dinner after a fois gras appetizer:eyebrow:


  • 5-18-09 train cropped.jpg
    5-18-09 train cropped.jpg
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A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

As the spearfishing forum is for discussions about legal spearfishing and this thread isn't, I've moved it here.
A quick question for the various witnesses:have any of you contacted the appropriate Fish and game agency? They normally even offer rewards for reporting poaching activities. If not, I believe you are just stirring the pot and not wanting to truly improve the situation.

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