I really hope the freediver would exhale during the ascent because his lungs would explode to little pieces if he would breath hold the scuba breath from that depth. He would probably be HAPPY to black out at that point I believeIf you have the perfect ascent profile and exhaled perfectly you might have enough 02 to safely surface as it expands because you took a breath of compressed air at depth.
But that is not the scenario. It is dive down to 70 feet on a breath hold, take a breath off a regulator, continuing free diving for a while and then come up. That would be the whole point of needing to adjust your buoyancy by exhaling right?
So you are trying to tell me, that through multiple process, the free diver did not increase his risk of a shallow water black out?

exhaling on scuba ascent is for letting out the expanding air so that is does not rip the poor diver apart. buoyancy control is maintained by other means when ascending