Marc, I was carefully non-specific. And I believe Pat has talked directly to several of the most...um..."vocal", and smoothed things over. But to be honest, I do tend to think that picking on people's spelling errors is kind of a low blow. And Pat certainly wasn't the only person with spelling errors in this thread. In any case, I have to agree with Dracunos - the internet can be a strange place, and message boards in particular can be rife with miscommunications, misinterpretations, and lost non-verbal cues - especially for people not used to them. Kudos to Pat for being willing to wade in here!
I totally agree with you about poor customer service. I've had my share of bad service experiences, and I'll be the one crowing the loudest when it happens to me. So I get it.
Moving on - I'm planning on going out on Mr. C on Nov. 21, the day AFTER I finish my Fundies class, and I'm in search of a GUE-trained dive buddy for that day, as my partner in this class is busy. I need someone willing to put up with a brand-new Fundies graduate who is all full of herself and dying to try out the skills on "regular" dives. Anyone want to take me up on that?
I'm also still working out the details about Dec. 19 and will post something later.
Thanks everyone for your willingness to be open-minded and forgiving. That's what a *community* is all about.
I totally agree with you about poor customer service. I've had my share of bad service experiences, and I'll be the one crowing the loudest when it happens to me. So I get it.
Moving on - I'm planning on going out on Mr. C on Nov. 21, the day AFTER I finish my Fundies class, and I'm in search of a GUE-trained dive buddy for that day, as my partner in this class is busy. I need someone willing to put up with a brand-new Fundies graduate who is all full of herself and dying to try out the skills on "regular" dives. Anyone want to take me up on that?
I'm also still working out the details about Dec. 19 and will post something later.
Thanks everyone for your willingness to be open-minded and forgiving. That's what a *community* is all about.