the thread below re: technique got me to thinking that I need some work....
Bought a book yesterday called Total Immersion, Accdg to the author, your speed has 70 % to do with technique, and only 30 % strength (other interesting tidbits, a dolphin uses 1/8 of the energy that physiologists would expect given their speed, also to double your speed as a swimmer requires an eight fold increase in power). Lots of drill work, just started reading it, so we'll see.
Bought a book yesterday called Total Immersion, Accdg to the author, your speed has 70 % to do with technique, and only 30 % strength (other interesting tidbits, a dolphin uses 1/8 of the energy that physiologists would expect given their speed, also to double your speed as a swimmer requires an eight fold increase in power). Lots of drill work, just started reading it, so we'll see.