More medical issues...and finally a cause

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So sorry to hear this,Robin. It's good to know what's been causing all the problems, though,isn't it? I've been going through some similar issues and have "Mixed Connective Tissue Disease" with a lot of Lupus like problems. I can certainly relate. Keep us posted and feel free to PM me if you need someone to talk to.

I am glad to hear from you that you are not letting this stumbling block slow you down...

I will include you in my prayers.

Slow ME down? LOL I am still out hiking at least 1-2 times per week in the mountains. In fact this weekend I hiked 4 miles up at 10k' elevation in Taos mountains in 30 degree temp. Hiking is my main hobby these past few years. I am not fast, but I refuse to give up my dreams. The disease does make me tired more than most people so I have to pace myself. It is all good though. My doctor says that hiking is great for lupus as it keeps me strong both physically and mentally.

Sounds like we are heading to Scuba Club Cozumel in April or May.... :D
Really glad you have a positive outlook! Keep on plugging!!
My sister had a fight with lupus that lasted over 20 yrs. The sun is NOT your friend, glad you are aware of it. The frustrating thing for her is that when she was having a flareup everyone would say how good she looked - rosy cheeks and all. I wish you the very best. I would have some words for your hubby too but I'll let that pass :confused:
Glad that at least you have a diagnosis. I dated identical twins (25 years apart) who both had lupus. One was in constant pain and the other lived a close to normal life. Such a difficult disease for many who are afflicted. Hoping that you will be able to continue your diving even if at a modified pace.

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