Moray Eel Bites Off Diver's Thumb

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Hope we don't see (more of Ron he he) Wonder what he would have lost with a shark!
One less thumb, one less toe, obviously less brain cells...maybe he's had to much of the beer he proudly shows us!

Look it's a hand, no it's a foot! No it's stupid man!

I'm not so sure I want to watch somebody lose their thumb.

The video doesn't show the decisive moment. You hear the diver scream underwater, the shot pans to the diver struggling with the eel, then pans off-screen when you hear the thumb pop off.

OK, that was supposed to be less graphic, but in reality the description is probably worse than the video...
There are similar situations in Guam, epecially at Gab Gab II. It's a nature preserve so no hunting is allowed there. Atlantis Submarine Tours (I think that's the company) had installed 3 feeding stations so there's alway an abundance of HUGE Jacks, I'm talking 4 feet in length or close to it! Anyway lots of divers will bring hot dogs there and feed the monsters. They will swarm and bump around you, they know you have the goods. Well there was one story about one woman who had scrached her ear or something like that with a hot dog in the same hand and had her ear taken clear off! Those jacks are fast and have really sharp teeth. I don't know how true that story is, but I have heard of people loosing fingers at that site too *Ouch*.
Holy Crap... what a DOPE!!! I think if the guy was dumb enough to feed the eel like that, then he should have lost his thumb. See, now with a toe/thumb replacement he didn't learn his lesson. He's all good to do it again.

I wonder if now he will get a manicure or a pedicure???
As for the Darwin awards...true, it has to prevent the recipient from pro-creating. However, imagine this dating scene at a pick up bar:

girl--"So you're a diver? What happened to your hand?"
guy--"Oh, that was so cool. I was feeding this moray and..."
girl--"Moray? Aren't those the eel thingies with the sharp teeth?"
guy--"Uh, yeah, but they're usually harmless. Anyway I was messing wth this one great big moray, dangling food and stuff in front of it..."
girl--"You mean you were teasing it with food?"
guy--"Well, uh, kinda. It was really cool, though. After a while it started getting kinda nervous and I had this bag of weenies..."
girl-- "So you were feeding a potentially dangerous fish with your hands, using food that could be mistaken for your fingers, right?"
guy--"Well, sorta, but usually nothing bad happens. Except this one time. But it was really cool 'cause all these people had cameras and..."

Okay, put yourself in the young lady's place. Would you take a chance on having this moron's baby?

Put him up for the Darwin award!
The common prize for such "near misses" is the Darwin Award Honorable Mention. I think this guy totally deserves it. *golf clap*
Moral of the story ... don't feed wild animals hot dogs ... they look too much like a thumb ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Don't you mean "storal of the moray"?
Since we are all weighing in on this, I'm going to add my opinion. Feeding animals is risky, but its fun. However, if I lost my thumb to a moray, I definately would not have a toe grafted on in place! Its scary looking.

If there was a reason not to feed eels, I would say the only reason would be for the eels sake. We (as divers) should well be aware of the risks. Diving itself is inherently risky. However, feeding eels, a dangerous animal, conditions them to associate divers with food. So the first time some unsuspecting divers swims by the eel, its going to pursue them, and they may end up killing the eel. That actual scenario has happened several times in the caribbean.

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