For you. To each his own.
Well, I would say fine except that if YOU touching the environment prevents ME from enjoying it, then you can't just pass it off as isolated issues. Lets look at this logically. If you touch the reef, for instance, and it gets destroyed then no one else gets to see it. However, if you are more cautious and you dont touch anything then EVERYONE can enjoy the ecosystem. This can't be boiled down to a "whatever floats your boat" conclusion, because the ramifications extend beyond individuals.
Wouldn't it be nice to more than "barely understand the ocean ecosystem"? If man didn't have natural curiosity to learn and explore we would still be in the dark ages. It all comes down to acting respectfully.
Well, this is true. BUT most understanding in science is based on hypotheses and then testing those hypotheses. I wont say that nothing was learned by simple investigation, but I would venture to say that no much of our current understanding of marine life,ecosystems, and biodiversity was expanded due to touching. If there is a goal to understanding what exists then fine. You can control it, record it, understand it. However, if you just want to "connect" with or "see what that feels like" then you aren't broadening our scientific understanding.
That all being said, thank you for the lively discussion--it has been enjoyable