mossym:wtaer temp was 48 at lobos on sunday, it was damn cold according to my buddy in his wetsuit, i don't remember the last time i heard him complaing about the cold.., 57 in a wetsuit is nice and warm, in 48F you'll get chilly even in a drysuit..
Hey, we were there on Sunday too! The coldest we saw was a balmy 50 deg at middle reef (Oceanic temp). Lowrance temp on the surface was pretty constant between 56 and 58 (I'll save the tenths, but it does show on the screen). We both had 7mm wetsuits and 6/3 hoods on but it didn't feel THAT cold. I've had colder thermoclines way off of Lovers. Kayaking in the cove was nice though.
The waves were rockin' though. Had plans to go to bluefish, but I was worried about the big breakers on the Point.
Were you the ones near the truck with the kayak on top, with Ishie?