i stopped into the dive stop today, and talked to Brandin and Evan, they're excited about this weekend. they said that there will be many things going on this weekend. everything from raffles, auctions, boat rides, easter and golf ball hunts, and discounts on enterence fee's. the cook's said they will be having hotdogs, hambugers, and some other food there for us to eat. raffle tickets for the 50/50 (store credit) 2 bucks a piece or 3 for 5. the auctions are going to be a one year pass at the quarry and a charter boat dive for you and a buddy. there wil be easter egg hunts will be at the building for the advanced divers, however the egg hunt will be outside the buildings! and the golf balls will be around the various sites. Brandin said that he is trying extremely hard to get the plane down to the waters edge. however he said he is very busy planning this weekend. the quarry will be open around 9 am and the raffles and auctions will kick off around noon and will be drawn at 6 pm.