Moderation: Too much or too little?

What is your GENERAL feeling about SB moderation?

  • I'd like to see more moderation

    Votes: 4 3.6%
  • I'd like to see less moderation

    Votes: 26 23.2%
  • I think the current level of moderation is fine.

    Votes: 74 66.1%
  • I have another opinion - state below

    Votes: 8 7.1%

  • Total voters

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[-]Troublemaker.[/-] Such behavior could lead a person to believe that this is an attempt at making trouble. :shakehead:

Just doing my duty and pointing out the flaws in logic where I see it. Kind of like saving a person from hurting themselves, only different.
One thing I like about SB, is that even when we are not always going to agree with the staff's choices and explanations, you guys (gals too) do seem to listen, and usually do a decent job of explaining your reasoning. I/we may not agree with it, but at least we get to see that you are aware of the user's points.
Thanks. This thread is actually a bit of a departure from normal actions, but I thought it was important to have some open communication between users and mods.
Is it possible that when readers "Report" what they see as unsafe, or simply very poor advice, the mods could at least add a post to the thread, advising other readers that this advice has been reported and there are serious questions about that advice? That way SB has not actually offered any official up or down opinion on any of that advice, avoiding any implication that ScubaBoard themselves review and monitor such advice. Covers the legal boy's worries.
This actually has happened on occassion. Most of the time though, those posts don't get reported, so no type of action is taken.
...//... This thread is actually a bit of a departure from normal actions, but I thought it was important to have some open communication between users and mods. ...//....

Yes, it was beneficial. Thanks John.

I feel that I was heard, FWIW. Done here.

Where are the rest of you with valid gripes/observations/concerns?
Use the KISS principle, ban name calling.
I'm not sure it's that simple. What names are banned and what names are allowed? What criteria should be used in determining that?

If someone wants to give an example of which should be allowed and which should be banned, along with their reasoning for each, I'd love to hear it.
Fuzzy logic. Do SOMETHING even if it is not perfect. Go with the mods, we will happily provide mid-course corrections. :D

We already do something. I'm asking for those course corrections.
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Oh boy. Brace for impact.

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