Mo2vation JANUARY 27, '07 Boat Dive planning thread - Peace

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Hey all,

I need to drop out too. Sorry!

My last day at my current job is Friday and friends are taking me out that night. I highly doubt I'll be up for being on a boat at 6AM. I also don't want to pull a Billy:wink::mooner: and miss the boat because of over sleeping!

Have fun!

I also don't want to pull a Billy:wink::mooner: and miss the boat because of over sleeping!

So is that what we're calling it now ?:rofl3:
I'll probably be there sometime late afternoon on Friday. So I'll be down for any group dinner plans that are in the works...:14:
Definitely folks, eat your veggies, get plenty of sleep, no unclean thoughts. . . .

be careful and beware of pulling a BILLY!

(Insert side splitting laughter)


PS. Greg, we are gonna miss you!

B (with a tilde) you are a stand up guy, thanks for being a part of this merry group
Owww dude you guys suck. So you think you're all funny huh? I actually laughed.

Greg you really suck, what a bummer bro I was looking forward to taking pics with you, I wanna see that new crazy setup with you. I'm probably gonna hit up another one in feb.

T-square you better watch yourself, you might not want to fall asleep Friday night, Muhahahah.

- Billy Pulling a Billy(that actually sounds kinda sick)
It will be fun times to see and dive with old friends, and the opportunity to make new friends also.

Thoughtful props to Christian again for his tireless work putting these divetrips together.

I'm definitely up for heading out Friday night, eating dinner somewhere out there, and crashing on the boat! Or, for people passing through the valley on the way to Ventura, there is a GREAT sushi place I can recommend in Woodland Hills that's right on the way...
there is a GREAT sushi place I can recommend in Woodland Hills that's right on the way...

Which one? I ate at one with one of my dive buddies a few weeks ago that was outstanding. It's just east of fallbrook on ventura, north side of the street. We got great treatment too.


T-prime, what happened to your comment? You shape shifting on me?

Empty V:
T-prime, what happened to your comment? You shape shifting on me?


Mornin B exponential, Kelli took over the BFB account which leaves me to say. . . .


OK folks, what watering hole are we going to tie up our ponies at and what time? Im sitting next to Kim (my only whining requirement).

Have a warm, happy and drama free Tuesday all,

So did we decide where and when? Sorry if we did in an earlier post... I'm too lazy to go back and read them all :D As for Tevis... I guess I'll let you sit next to Kim... you'll have to pay your dues to me though, and she's not cheap :wink:

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