Mixed feelings

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
Last night my wife said something I never thought I'd hear: "I want to get scuba certified." Now I have mixed feelings about the matter.

On the one hand, I'm thrilled that she'd like to take up diving because our hobbies and interests generally diverge. Diving would be something we could enjoy together. On the other hand, if she starts diving, she'll find out just how expensive things like can lights are, and she'll be able to monitor my scuba-related purchases more closely.

Worse, she may learn about my secret scuba slush fund. And no matter how much she might like diving, I think she'd rather spend my slush fund on stuff for the house.
Alas, the myriad paradoxes of connubial bliss !!!!

But look at it this way, you'll always have a dive buddy who is more than just passingly interested in your safety.

And marriage is about creating memories.

the K
Worse, she may learn about my secret scuba slush fund. And no matter how much she might like diving, I think she'd rather spend my slush fund on stuff for the house.

time for the off-shore scuba slush fund

the "slush fund" of which she learns needs to be split into itself and a holding trust, to be hidden in Bank Account B (where "B" is any bank other than the original institution holding the "slush fund" of which she learns).

thus, you honestly let her know of the slush fund, and yet ...

figure out how to appease to her, probably with her own stuff, give up a little bit, but ALWAYS maintain secrecy about the slush fund. :D :D

Remember the alibi-chant:

Looks like me. Sounds like me. Same shoes. Same shirt. Wasn't me. I was in Philly.
I think it was a very provocative strategy for you to, you know, mention the secret (shhhhhh) scuba slush fund here on scubaboard. Good thing no one reads this board, especially new divers.


I wish my wife would get (back) into diving!

Jen and I both dive and we're both as enthusiastic about it as the other. All of our major purchases go towards scuba. In fact, we have trouble reeling each other in from making too many! So you never know. She just might surprise you! :wink:
Could be good, you seem to be quite the outdoorsman, if she shares your passion for some of those other things (like backpacking), why not?; although if she goes with the pink splitties with the matching poodle jacket route (not that there's anything wrong with that... I love mine :D), it would clash with your DIR/HOG Blue/Black "H" branded rig :wink:

Man if you think she doesn't have her own slush fund, you haven't been married long enough...
The slush fund isn't the real issue. Now there's a set of trained eyes in the house that's going to immediately recognize every new piece of equipment that mysteriously appears. Can't get away anymore with "Oh honey, I've had that in the basement forever!"

See you down there.


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