I remember reading the posts from when Lynne went missing. Peter said he took his eyes off her very briefly (to check gauges?) and then she was gone.

Strong current, if I remember correctly.
This is one of the main reason I love AI. I lost my son just briefly (felt like forever) early on (less then 10 dives) in our dive careers because of looking at my gauge in high current. When my daughter started diving, we both go AI DC;s and I have never looked back.
Yes. The particular dive shop this diver was diving with the DM carries a slung 40 to hand off to any diver low on gas.
I have never understood diving below 90 feet on AL80s, I have only dove once in my career below 100 feet on an AL. Every other dive was on a steel, and most with 40 slung. The rules of 3rds and 6ths have never left my mind.
My comment is based on 27 years in the Dive Business. Also- In order to function as a "Guide" in the Florida Keys (and other places I've worked all over the world, with the exception of the Dominican Republic) one must be a Certified Divemaster or Instructor. Which means they SHOULD "know better". When one is put in charge of other divers, there in NO EXCUSE for "losing sight" of divers who have placed themselves in your care. NO EXCUSE whatsoever. It's just that simple. All REAL Dive Professionals know that.
I understand you analogy out in the open water, during a drift dive, or an easy dive reef in Cozumel, the Bahamas or the Philippines. Many of these dives you can hang from your flag and glide facing your group. But on a Wreck, in 2-4 knots current? I just do not see how you can keep even 75% of your focus on the divers. Can you post a video of your Technique doing this, so can learn from you?
I think a DM has the ethical responsibility to provide the services and guidance that is represented to the customers in the dive briefing and also within any written policy information which is provided to the customer(s).
When an accident occurs, the "responsibilities" of a DM may be interpreted by a lawyer.
This was covered a lot when I did my PADI DM over sea's a few years back. They keep reinforcing, in your Dive Brief, you must define your role. As a Dive Guide, you give a watchful eye, as you are in front. They would have us say Watchful eye, no less then 3 times per brief. As a DM, your role is different, you must be in a position to watch everyone as best as possible and provide assistance under the dive conditions. Even with that, they stressed you can not be perfect. Both roles, should cancel the dive if the conditions are out side the safety levels.
Was I taught incorrectly?