I'll take a picture of it tonight and post it. If anyone has an article about fixing a busted zipper tooth, please post away.
Basically the material that the tooth is crimped on to has broken. It seems to stay sealed until I make a specific movement(?) and then it leaks all to hell.
I'll take a picture of it tonight and post it. If anyone has an article about fixing a busted zipper tooth, please post away.
Basically the material that the tooth is crimped on to has broken. It seems to stay sealed until I make a specific movement(?) and then it leaks all to hell.
The zipper tape is torn, right? If so, that's probably bad news, unfortunately, but post pics anyway.
If you post pics, try to include good detail on the inner tooth, the outer tooth and the damaged zipper tape.
I saw your post about looking for a source for a zipper. Good idea.... I'll see if I can find some leads for you.

Dave C