they were all laughing too hard to snap a pic.... :28: 
@ chiki: I'm swimming along and our DM Abet looks back at me and begins frantically shouting through his reg and pointing behind me. I take a look and I see this triggerfish taking a run at me....and the rest is history. I feel so violated - it's not as if I did anything wrong to it!
yeah I've definitely gotten my money's worth out of those fins.... hehe...

@ chiki: I'm swimming along and our DM Abet looks back at me and begins frantically shouting through his reg and pointing behind me. I take a look and I see this triggerfish taking a run at me....and the rest is history. I feel so violated - it's not as if I did anything wrong to it!
yeah I've definitely gotten my money's worth out of those fins.... hehe...