Well I am as afraid of this swine flu as I was of West Nile, Bird Flu and SARS. I really believe that a lot of this is the mentality of "If it bleeds it leads". What the news is not reporting is that 40,000 Americans die every year from regular Flu. Yeah when i head down to Mexico in July I will pack hand sanitizer, which I would not have done before. I will wash my hands often and avoid touching my face, which I always do now.
It is the Flu people, not Captian trips (Flu from Stephen King's awesome "The Stand") or some black ops super bug.
If you are healthy enough to travel, contract the Flu in Mexico while you will wish you were dead because you feel miserable, vomiting etc etc. You probably wont die.
It is the Flu people, not Captian trips (Flu from Stephen King's awesome "The Stand") or some black ops super bug.
If you are healthy enough to travel, contract the Flu in Mexico while you will wish you were dead because you feel miserable, vomiting etc etc. You probably wont die.