For instance, in the Philippines I saw police at the mall and on the street with all different uniforms, and all different weapons (one had a sweet nickel plated 1911). In India and Honduras the police/army personnel seem pretty poorly trained with no weapons discipline, constantly pointing into crowds, etc.
Yeah, here in the Philippines you see everything from rusty POS revolvers, to nickel plated 1911's, to stainless steel tactical shotguns, to M16's on a daily basis. The police usually carry a service revolver and shotgun, Security personnel carry their own supplied firearm, armored car guards carry shotguns and/or rifles.
You see the armed Guards (private company, not gov't) at nearly every major business, everywhere. But the reality is they are some of the nicest, most helpful folks around. They're always happy to point you towards your destination, or explain where the nearest restroom or smoking area is. They're really very nonthreatening unless you have a reason to be worried (i.e. you're the bad guy LOL).