Mermaids, Manatees, and Roller Coasters, Oh My!

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One kilometer high on the Texas Central Plains
# of dives
500 - 999
{It was odd to pack for Florida and not include all of my Scuba kit, but this was such a big trip – I gotta’ offer it…}

My daughter Chanda I started taking Birthday trips together in her younger years – Gawd, maybe 15 or so years ago, and over the years not only have the trips added up, we’ve added a few birthdays to thusly honor. This year, I organized and lead the trip for her, her hubby John, the preteen grandson Trapper, the one year old granddaughter Rece, plus my sister Nancy flying in on another airline from another Texas city. Yeah, I knew better, but I love a challenge. And most West Texans will vacation in the New Mexico Mountains or drive to Six Flags near Dallas then Sea World near San Antonio, but we’re made of bigger stuff…

Getting there…

I started with my usual short nap and 2:30am Wednesday alarm clock, headed for Lubbock, but this time gathering up my daughter’s family in the wee hours before checking in for the 5:50am departure. She and I both have Elite status with Delta and made the free First Class upgrades, so I asked: “Which two wants to ride up front today, and which two (takes a chance) on the return.” Trapper and I were fine sleeping in coach. Anyway, I like to go early when I travel and do as much as my energy will support, and we were in Tampa before noon.

With help from Scuba Board friends, I had proposed plans and backup plans for meeting my sis at TPA international, and as soon as I turned my cell-phone on, there was her Voice Mail: “I’m here, waiting for my bags,” just a few minutes before. “John, go down that escalator, will ya’, see if you can find Nancy and her bags, and meet us down this other one where we’ll gather our bags. In no time we had all the people and a dozen or so bags with orange ribbons organized and headed for car rentals.

The gals stayed in the foyer with the kids and bags as John and I headed for the counters, and I handed him the reservation sheet with his name as I took mine to the other clerk. His sensed that he’d never rented a car before and tried to stick him with insurance we didn’t need, then tried to up his rate, but I watched as he learned OJT and interrupted only as needed to save him from her doubling his rental charges, and - we were on the road by noon. Wow, I love it when a plan works.

We’re there…!

We soon tired of the every three miles toll stations and headed coastward to explore, which probably cost us time, but we got to Homosassa soon enough for a late lunch at a cute local place, and in Crystal Rive in time to set up camp at the Best Western and take in the free Kings Bay cruise. Okay, they did the boat; as I had to have another nap before dinner at another local establishment. I do not like to eat at chains when I travel, and we made it until the last day…

We headed back south Thursday morning to Weekee Wache Mermaid Park that made national news in recent years with the gals’ “Save Our Tales” campaign when the park almost failed…

The big theme parks long ago closed Texas’ similar Aquareena Springs Park, and Florida certainly has plenty of the giants, but the locals had kept this one going, and I had to see this. We did the River Tour while waiting on the big show, then – we all marveled at the pretty young ladies and one young fella’ with their presentation of The Little Mermaid, especially me. I can’t swim that well with full gear, but they did it with fins covered in costume, or none – taking a breath every now and then from hoses, all the time with pretty smiles and grace. We spent a couple more hours in the spring fed water park, then headed back north for Homosassa’s Wildlife Park, where we saw many of the local wildlife in an outdoor zoo, including the first glimpse of a Manatee for the rest – feeding on lettuce on the other side of glass from their underwater observation room. I’ve seen some Sea Cows, before, but Gawd – these were big. Rece call them all “Dog?” but she was seeing sites few people in the world ever see, as we all were.

And then there was the Snorkel Lessons in the motel pool. I showed them how to gear up – “No, John, the snorkel goes on the left, in case you ever take up Scuba,” and how to free dive from a paddle swim – “Like this, see – easy.” None of them thought it easy, but we had the basics before supper. This time I got to pick the local joint, and talk about great fish! The Gator tale was delicious, too.

Friday morning started very early getting everyone in the two cars and gone with all the equipments, and my weeks of planning and shopping started coming together, at least. We were at the Birds Underwater by 6:30, on the boat by 7am, and by 7:30 we had Animal Footprints, the wake Manatees leave when they submerge. I had been told by many that we’d never find Manatees in the summer, and even SB’s Walter told me I couldn’t; I’d never known him wrong before, but Birds does deliver. Most of the animals go out into the Gulf to graze in the summertime, but with Chinese Hydrilla – invader of all southern freshwater – taking over the spring fed bay, many of them stayed here year ‘round, munching away.

We’d been well briefed about the dos & don’ts, and I had my family not only in neoprene suits but also all but John and me inflatable vests, the baby staying aboard in her vest (always double the safety factor), so soon I was encouraging everyone but Rece to climb quietly off and see if the Animals wanted to play. “You want me to jump off of a perfectly good boat into deep water?” “No, climb off quietly.” The first cow & calf were busy munching and suckling, so we just watched, then moved on to another location – where two young bulls were competing for one young heifer. We again tried to watch at a distance, but these slow swimming cousins of the elephant can surprise you when running on hormones, and I got one good slap in the face by a caudal fin. All in all, it was mind boggling – everyone’s eyes as big as silver dollars behind their masks.

After my family’s coffee & hot cocoa (it takes me a while to board a boat), we took one more dip at the end of a narrow channel being fed by springs in a nearby pond, and I was amazed how easy it was to swim into the current without a BC and tank. I took a few pics of the crabs living on the springs, and yelled thru my snorkel at a Scuba student kicking up the bottom that they all looked, then asked John to stay with Trap so I could go back to hold Rece while the gals came up. Nancy got a little nosey on some perch guarding an egg next and got her nose nipped. Four hours on the bay, and I had confident Snorkelers. Except, I must give credit to the Skipper/DM who went in on every dive, helping newbies get started and all. Many of the other operators out that day didn’t bother. If you’re going to swim with Manatees, call Birds.

Back to Tampa…

We got to our next Best Western mid afternoon, an all suite hotel behind Busch Gardens, and most of the bunch explored the grounds while I set up camp and washed our gear. Chanda & John are certainly mature adult children and wonderful parents, but maybe it was all those years eating in mess halls that makes me settle in first? Somehow, in the hustle and bustle, and eating and some crazy fondue joint, it wasn’t until 10pm that they decided that their air conditioner wasn’t going to work?! The hotel was virtually sold out, so I had to move to the other end of the hotel so they could move to my room. I waited until the next morning when the Assistant Manager arrived to sternly explain: “I could have booked three rooms for three nights at Red Roof for less than half the money, but I booked here so I could trust you people to have my rooms ready – not lacking in toilet tissues or air conditioners!” I had not known that Chanda had already got us a 20% discount on our rooms, but he agreed – and threw in a free night for everyone to boot. Didn’t mean to take advantage of him, but that was a good gesture – that altogether only cost them about $450.

Saturday after their breakfast buffet, we made our way down to lower Clearwater, I think, and took a ferry from Fort Desoto to a remote key where we played in the waters. There were many other swimmers and snorkelers amid the pleasure boats coming and going, but we were the only ones with vests or a towed dive flag. I’m not a safe person by nature, so I work at it. Nancy and I even made a tour of the Salvador Dali art museum – a gifted artist with a warped mind, it seemed, while the rest walked the nearby marina.

And Sunday was Busch Gardens. We made the 9am hotel van, saving the hassle and expense of parking, and started taking turns hitting the big rides, and taking the kids on the ones they could do. We did the front ones first before lines started forming midmorning, then headed for the backside. My favorite was the overhead sling, where you have nothing at all below you much of the time, but they were all a hoot. I devilishly enjoyed mumbling “This can’t be safe! We’re going to die,” to others around as each ride Roller Ride would pick up Gs.

One big ride was not operating, as it was missing a piece or rail – a prudent management decision, I though, but we made enough of them. And we hit some shows. The Australian dance troupe was amazing as the ladies were gorgeous. Nancy was doing her best to keep up with our pace, but when I took a break for the 3pm shuttle back to the hotel for a shower and nap before returning at 6pm to join the younger, tougher ones – she skipped the chance. “You’re going to be sorry!” By the 8:30 return shuttle, I thought she was going to cry, but a big time and a great day was had by all.

Gettin' home…

Nah, we were in no hurry, as I’d booked us on the last flights that would get us back to Lubbock that night, so Monday gave us plenty of time for leisurely packing, lunch in the old cigar rolling town of Ybor, and then the Florida Aquarium. Rece was maybe the most excited, and learned new words: “Fish! Duck!” We all well enjoyed it, even though four of us had done the Long Beach CA Aquarium only a couple of years ago.

From there, it was gas the cars, turn them in, check the bags, and check for free Upgrades – “Not this time, Mr. H.” Trapper and I missed our turns up front, but it was just one plane, then another and we were gathering orange ribbon marked bags back in Lubbock.

Yes, a wild time was had by all….!! :dazzler1:
Great trip report! Sounds like a splendid time was had by all.

Now you'll just have to join the Conchs when we have our get together at Crystal River in the fall. We can always use an experienced manatee wrangler.

I'm glad you enjoyed your tour with us and your entire vacation. Thanks for the good word. We do our best. It sounds like you never actually had a "playful" one, but that shows that just seeing wild animals in nature is a great experience.

Sorry I missed you but I cling to every day off thaqt I can. Too many go away for one reason or another.


{It was odd to pack for Florida and not include all of my Scuba kit, but this was such a big trip – I gotta’ offer it…}

My daughter Chanda I started taking Birthday trips together in her younger years – Gawd, maybe 15 or so years ago, and over the years not only have the trips added up, we’ve added a few birthdays to thusly honor. This year, I organized and lead the trip for her, her hubby John, the preteen grandson Trapper, the one year old granddaughter Rece, plus my sister Nancy flying in on another airline from another Texas city. Yeah, I knew better, but I love a challenge. And most West Texans will vacation in the New Mexico Mountains or drive to Six Flags near Dallas then Sea World near San Antonio, but we’re made of bigger stuff…

Getting there…

I started with my usual short nap and 2:30am Wednesday alarm clock, headed for Lubbock, but this time gathering up my daughter’s family in the wee hours before checking in for the 5:50am departure. She and I both have Elite status with Delta and made the free First Class upgrades, so I asked: “Which two wants to ride up front today, and which two (takes a chance) on the return.” Trapper and I were fine sleeping in coach. Anyway, I like to go early when I travel and do as much as my energy will support, and we were in Tampa before noon.

With help from Scuba Board friends, I had proposed plans and backup plans for meeting my sis at TPA international, and as soon as I turned my cell-phone on, there was her Voice Mail: “I’m here, waiting for my bags,” just a few minutes before. “John, go down that escalator, will ya’, see if you can find Nancy and her bags, and meet us down this other one where we’ll gather our bags. In no time we had all the people and a dozen or so bags with orange ribbons organized and headed for car rentals.

The gals stayed in the foyer with the kids and bags as John and I headed for the counters, and I handed him the reservation sheet with his name as I took mine to the other clerk. His sensed that he’d never rented a car before and tried to stick him with insurance we didn’t need, then tried to up his rate, but I watched as he learned OJT and interrupted only as needed to save him from her doubling his rental charges, and - we were on the road by noon. Wow, I love it when a plan works.

We’re there…!

We soon tired of the every three miles toll stations and headed coastward to explore, which probably cost us time, but we got to Homosassa soon enough for a late lunch at a cute local place, and in Crystal Rive in time to set up camp at the Best Western and take in the free Kings Bay cruise. Okay, they did the boat; as I had to have another nap before dinner at another local establishment. I do not like to eat at chains when I travel, and we made it until the last day…

We headed back south Thursday morning to Weekee Wache Mermaid Park that made national news in recent years with the gals’ “Save Our Tales” campaign when the park almost failed…

The big theme parks long ago closed Texas’ similar Aquareena Springs Park, and Florida certainly has plenty of the giants, but the locals had kept this one going, and I had to see this. We did the River Tour while waiting on the big show, then – we all marveled at the pretty young ladies and one young fella’ with their presentation of The Little Mermaid, especially me. I can’t swim that well with full gear, but they did it with fins covered in costume, or none – taking a breath every now and then from hoses, all the time with pretty smiles and grace. We spent a couple more hours in the spring fed water park, then headed back north for Homosassa’s Wildlife Park, where we saw many of the local wildlife in an outdoor zoo, including the first glimpse of a Manatee for the rest – feeding on lettuce on the other side of glass from their underwater observation room. I’ve seen some Sea Cows, before, but Gawd – these were big. Rece call them all “Dog?” but she was seeing sites few people in the world ever see, as we all were.

And then there was the Snorkel Lessons in the motel pool. I showed them how to gear up – “No, John, the snorkel goes on the left, in case you ever take up Scuba,” and how to free dive from a paddle swim – “Like this, see – easy.” None of them thought it easy, but we had the basics before supper. This time I got to pick the local joint, and talk about great fish! The Gator tale was delicious, too.

Friday morning started very early getting everyone in the two cars and gone with all the equipments, and my weeks of planning and shopping started coming together, at least. We were at the Birds Underwater by 6:30, on the boat by 7am, and by 7:30 we had Animal Footprints, the wake Manatees leave when they submerge. I had been told by many that we’d never find Manatees in the summer, and even SB’s Walter told me I couldn’t; I’d never known him wrong before, but Birds does deliver. Most of the animals go out into the Gulf to graze in the summertime, but with Chinese Hydrilla – invader of all southern freshwater – taking over the spring fed bay, many of them stayed here year ‘round, munching away.

We’d been well briefed about the dos & don’ts, and I had my family not only in neoprene suits but also all but John and me inflatable vests, the baby staying aboard in her vest (always double the safety factor), so soon I was encouraging everyone but Rece to climb quietly off and see if the Animals wanted to play. “You want me to jump off of a perfectly good boat into deep water?” “No, climb off quietly.” The first cow & calf were busy munching and suckling, so we just watched, then moved on to another location – where two young bulls were competing for one young heifer. We again tried to watch at a distance, but these slow swimming cousins of the elephant can surprise you when running on hormones, and I got one good slap in the face by a caudal fin. All in all, it was mind boggling – everyone’s eyes as big as silver dollars behind their masks.

After my family’s coffee & hot cocoa (it takes me a while to board a boat), we took one more dip at the end of a narrow channel being fed by springs in a nearby pond, and I was amazed how easy it was to swim into the current without a BC and tank. I took a few pics of the crabs living on the springs, and yelled thru my snorkel at a Scuba student kicking up the bottom that they all looked, then asked John to stay with Trap so I could go back to hold Rece while the gals came up. Nancy got a little nosey on some perch guarding an egg next and got her nose nipped. Four hours on the bay, and I had confident Snorkelers. Except, I must give credit to the Skipper/DM who went in on every dive, helping newbies get started and all. Many of the other operators out that day didn’t bother. If you’re going to swim with Manatees, call Birds.

Hey - I understand. You get a day off, go elsewhere. The blonde skipper (Chris?) was a little dingy, but she did fine.

No, none were playful, other than running into me while breeding, but it was still neat. My whole family enjoyed it a lot. There was another operator already there at our first attempted spot, no Guide in the water, and the tourists chasing an animal. The Fed Ranger came out later but missed him.

Anyway, thanks again for putting me onto y'all's operation. I can surf the net, but without you - I wouldn't have tried it, as others told me I couldn't find any in the summer.

Birds is being discussed here, too...



I'm glad you enjoyed your tour with us and your entire vacation. Thanks for the good word. We do our best. It sounds like you never actually had a "playful" one, but that shows that just seeing wild animals in nature is a great experience.

Sorry I missed you but I cling to every day off thaqt I can. Too many go away for one reason or another.


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