Ken, how on earth can you be a defense attorney and not be a lawyer? seems
redundant to me...
Great point Andy! Kind of like;
Not all sharks live in water-Landsharks
Not all sharks are scuba certed-Cochran
Not all scuba divers are lawyers
Not all defense attorneys are public defenders
Not all defenders are the accused who represent themselves
Not all attorneys know how to use a dive reel
Not all attorneys deal with criminal or civil cases-Title attorneys
Some attorneys are convicts
Some attorneys are conservatives
Some attorneys scare real sharks
Some attorneys are really cool to dive with,...
until they throw dive knives at you when swimming in Devil's Ear!
Sorry Andy, was having a PTSD Flashback!
We luv ya man!
OH BTW!!!!!!!!!!
I have a new bc and wings for you to try on!!!! I hope the harness fits.
Ken, how on earth can you be a defense attorney and not be a lawyer? seems
redundant to me...
Great point Andy! Kind of like;
Not all sharks live in water-Landsharks
Not all sharks are scuba certed-Cochran
Not all scuba divers are lawyers
Not all defense attorneys are public defenders
Not all defenders are the accused who represent themselves
Not all attorneys know how to use a dive reel
Not all attorneys deal with criminal or civil cases-Title attorneys
Some attorneys are convicts
Some attorneys are conservatives
Some attorneys scare real sharks
Some attorneys are really cool to dive with,...
until they throw dive knives at you when swimming in Devil's Ear!
Sorry Andy, was having a PTSD Flashback!
We luv ya man!
OH BTW!!!!!!!!!!
I have a new bc and wings for you to try on!!!! I hope the harness fits.