i was sitting at the bar realizing i had no way to identify the people i was supposed to meet. if you happened to see the guy with a blue hawaiian shirt on staring at everyone in the bar, that was me.
OH NO! Meanwhile, I was at the table speaking to Zardoz as to why you didn't come.... That sux's.
Got some pics. Please remember these were taken with my phone camera so they aren't all that great but they will do

DiveBandit/Dave and Beer Chics

Sadie, Zardox/Jason, msscuba/Rachel:

Scoobahdood/Larry and Sadie:

Catra and Hubby come on their motorcycles - what a great evening for riding as well:

Moi and M&M/Mike:

DiveBandit/Dave and mt4jeepin/Matt:

Scuba Crab/Doug and his new honey

Me earlier:

Sadie, Zardoz, and msscuba:

We had a huge turnout. At one point we had four big tables full :bounce2:. Lots moved around and mingled, which was great. I know I had several different seats. Missed a couple that were supposed to be there but also had others show that hadn't mentioned they were coming. Catra made it at the tale end of the gathering. It was a pleasure meeting her and hubby