erparamedic:Jennifer... I know exactly what bras you are talking about from Walmart. Those are the bras that the surgeon put me in post-op! They were very comfy... though I thought they wore out fairly fast in the "support" department.
Your redux took 7 hours!!! Wow! Mine was about 4 hours, and I lost about 6 lbs. Went from a lopsided G/H to a nice, proportionate, perky "mid" C. Love it!!!
Yep 7 hours, a little over 8 lbs and I'm still a very healthy D! I'm pretty happy with the results, the scarring is worst than I was told it would be, but I would never go back to the way I was. Those bras aren't the most durable, but the price isn't all that hefty either, I had 3 or 4 that I rotated wearing. I tried some others, but I came right back to those.