Yes. You have now built in your experience of the working rMS to trust that a fresh scrubber will actually last twice as long as the recommended duration (to oversimplify, I assume a factor 2).
But the original conservative numbers were so that if you had one bad canister (channeling, say) out of 2, you still would have been fine.
Now, if your rMS dies in the middle of a dive which is longer than the original recommended duration before rotation (or worse, for dumping both canisters), you have to assume that no canister will channel. If you are cautious, you should tell yourself: OK, now that I have no way to monitor the health of my scrubbers, I have to bet that they are both healthy otherwise, if one channels, I am already past the safety margin on a single canister.
It is your decision to reason differently.
It is a dangerous one.