Date: May 7th, 2005
Dive #1 - Avalon Wreck, palos verdes
Vis: 30-40 feet - very nice!
max depth - 82ft
Dive buddies - Cesar, dan rood
Temp - 53 degrees - felt warm compared to April!
Dive #2 - Palos verdes kelp beds
Vis: 15-25 feet, with particles in the water
max depth - 37ft
Dive buddy - Cesar
Temp - high 50's?
did 2 morning dives off the Island Diver out of redondo today, chartered by Dan Rood. These were my first dives since I slipped my disk 3 weeks ago. Its nice to be back in the water! Cesar - thanks for carrying my tanks! Merik got to try out his new doubles today - nice going Merik! One of the diver's today was a no-show, so there were 7 divers and 1 captain.
Excellent conditions at the Avalon wreck today.. vis was great below 40ft depth. saw dolphins from the deck...large numbers of lingcod, calico rockfish, island kelpfish, gobies, and rubberlip seaperch. Dan - thanks for helping me find photo subjects.. especially the large lingcods and the TORPEDO RAY. It was my first one, I followed it for a few minutes, got real close, got a couple pics, (*behavior studies of the torpedo ray edited out*) sucked down a lot of my remaining air. Sorry if I worried my buddies! But I came back to them. Had a nice slow decent up, the current carried us a little during our long safety stop. Since my breathing was elevated from the torpedo chase, Cesar let me breathe his air as we ascended from 75ft to 45ft, then I switched back to mine, so I had plenty of air for a long safety stop. We were hoping the boat would come and get us, but cesar's safety sausage wouldn't inflate. Nice swim back to the boat with a sea lion.
Palos verdes kelp beds were nice, lots of rocky reef structure, lots of sheephead, senoritas, blacksmith, lobster, 3 very large large horn sharks, a large sheep crab. One horn shark let me get a great pic of his face. Lots of surge during this dive. One of the divers had to sit this dive out because they were too cold from the Avalon! Dan dove with Rick this dive. Vis on this dive was 10-15 feet at 25ft depth, but kept getting better (20-25) as we swam west into deeper water.
more pics:
Torpedo Ray
Sheep Crab (in macro mode!)
Horn Shark
Dive #1 - Avalon Wreck, palos verdes
Vis: 30-40 feet - very nice!
max depth - 82ft
Dive buddies - Cesar, dan rood
Temp - 53 degrees - felt warm compared to April!
Dive #2 - Palos verdes kelp beds
Vis: 15-25 feet, with particles in the water
max depth - 37ft
Dive buddy - Cesar
Temp - high 50's?
did 2 morning dives off the Island Diver out of redondo today, chartered by Dan Rood. These were my first dives since I slipped my disk 3 weeks ago. Its nice to be back in the water! Cesar - thanks for carrying my tanks! Merik got to try out his new doubles today - nice going Merik! One of the diver's today was a no-show, so there were 7 divers and 1 captain.
Excellent conditions at the Avalon wreck today.. vis was great below 40ft depth. saw dolphins from the deck...large numbers of lingcod, calico rockfish, island kelpfish, gobies, and rubberlip seaperch. Dan - thanks for helping me find photo subjects.. especially the large lingcods and the TORPEDO RAY. It was my first one, I followed it for a few minutes, got real close, got a couple pics, (*behavior studies of the torpedo ray edited out*) sucked down a lot of my remaining air. Sorry if I worried my buddies! But I came back to them. Had a nice slow decent up, the current carried us a little during our long safety stop. Since my breathing was elevated from the torpedo chase, Cesar let me breathe his air as we ascended from 75ft to 45ft, then I switched back to mine, so I had plenty of air for a long safety stop. We were hoping the boat would come and get us, but cesar's safety sausage wouldn't inflate. Nice swim back to the boat with a sea lion.
Palos verdes kelp beds were nice, lots of rocky reef structure, lots of sheephead, senoritas, blacksmith, lobster, 3 very large large horn sharks, a large sheep crab. One horn shark let me get a great pic of his face. Lots of surge during this dive. One of the divers had to sit this dive out because they were too cold from the Avalon! Dan dove with Rick this dive. Vis on this dive was 10-15 feet at 25ft depth, but kept getting better (20-25) as we swam west into deeper water.
more pics:
Torpedo Ray

Sheep Crab (in macro mode!)

Horn Shark