Date: 5/6/05
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores
Time: 3:18pm
Bottom Time: 28 mins.
Max Depth: 117 ft.
Vis: 20-25 ft
Wave height: ankle biters (< 1 ft)
Surge: none
Temp at depth: 53F (cold as ice!!)
Got lucky enough to park on Vallecitos St, so the walk to the water was a snap

The "waves" were less than 1 ft, so entry was effortless but there was a lot of surface chop during the surface swim. Descended in 20 ft and made our way to the main wall of the canyon. No surge whatsoever and vis was great! Temperature stayed around 63F until we hit 50 ft, the first thermocline.. And then the 2nd thermocline hit us around 90 ft- it was miserably cold! Ascended to a point in the wall (65 ft) and nosed around the wall for a while.. There were several large female sheephead, the usual blue banded & black eyed gobys, some type of rockfish, sea stars of all types, spanish shawl, and a gorgeous 'Porter's chromodorid' nudibranch (of course I had decided to leave the camera at home today... still kicking myself for that). Easy exit.
dive #2
Date: 5/6/05
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores
Time: 5:14pm
Bottom Time: 54 mins.
Max Depth: 35 ft.
Vis: 20-25 ft
Wave height: same ankle biters (< 1 ft)
Surge: 1-3 ft
Temp at depth: 63F
Decided to stay shallow and see what kinds of critters were hanging out in 35 ft. Bumped into the red buoy's anchor line, which surprised us.. (we didnt think we were near it). My buddy and I stayed as low to the ground as possible without stirring up any sand to check out the little things we would usually miss on a 'normal' dive.. There were tiny anemones, the size of a quarter and almost translucent... Also, strange little black/white "arms" (like a tentacle) reaching out of holes (1-2 inches max length)...if you'd touch them, they'd pull back into their hole. Any idea what these are?
Several types of crabs scurrying around.. Must've been a recent breeding season for halibut because we saw at least 100 baby halibuts scooting around

Had an interesting encounter with some juvenile sheepcrabs- there were 4 of them in a small group staying very close together... As we were watching them, my buddy grabs me and points- Big Mama sheepcrab was heading toward us at warp speed and looking VERY angry!! I don't know if the adult sheepcrabs are protective of the juveniles, but that extremely large & obviously upset one was determined to get us away from the little ones..and she(he?) succeeded.. :scared:
Vis was super again, water temp was very comfortable- 2 very good dives!