halemano:Remember, Hawaii Ohana SB'ers are not all authorities on Hawaii, or Maui. Only one previous poster answers any part of your origional question and that one calls Maui Undersea Adventures very professional. Eduardo also has a similar number of posts in the Ohana to his dives in Hawaii, which I find very refreshing.
As with the other posters above, mine is just advice and opinion. The difference is full time residency and years of full time guiding here.
I don't see where anybody, full-time Hawaii resident or not, is trying to imply that they are "authorities" on anything.
While I may not have strictly adhered to the original thread (and there aren't many on SB that do, especially the popular ones), he was offered an alternative to diving with a resort operator. I simply offered yet another alternative. In no way was I discouraging him from using his resort's own operator, or any resort operator for that matter.
I am not a paid spokesman for B&B. I recommend them because I enjoyed my experience with them.