It's marketing. The answer is what you need it to be to buy the product. Julie came here to sell a specific product to a couple of dive businesses. She presented it in terms like she was going to offer the "industry" a pathway to success that we haven't enjoyed in a long while, and never really did, if truth be told. If I had never heard of SEO, or have someone who works on it as a part of his job, I might bite and hire her services. I've been offered those services by consultants too numerous to count, at wildly varying prices, BTW. I've also tried advertising with Googleads and other "paid SEO" services, and found the results to be dissapointing.
But that's not the point. The point is that Ray is a Marketer. He knows what makes us tick, and he knows that it's different for every one of us in the business. What makes you (Trace) comfortable isn't what makes me comfortable isn't what makes Ray comfortable isn't what makes Julie comfortable. I refuse to advertise in print media. I am uncomfortable doing so. Aggressor fleet spends tens of thousands at minimum advertising in print. I have a relatively large web presence, I'm on the right boards for my clients. Aggressor Fleet has a very small presence. Aggressor Fleet's client is a very different person than I am trying to attract. Their client will be unhappy with me, and I would probably be unhappy with them.
I don't eat Quaker Oats. Some parts of a pine tree may be edible, but I don't eat that part, either. I am not a marketers dream, except that I can sing any jingle from the 70's, 80's, and 90's, which is exactly what a marketer wants. He wants the image to be stuck in our head, so if they happen to be out of Cheerio's (why do I eat Cheerio's? Partly because "It's shown to lower cholesterol") maybe I'll try Quaker Oats (also shown to lower cholesterol). If I can't see the USA in a Chevrolet (Because they don't have a Silverado in the color I want) then I'll go buy a Ford (because Quality is Job 1). A marketer's job is not to get you to buy something (although that's the preferable end result), a marketer's job is to stick an image in your head. An image you will remember for the next 30 years. A salesman gets you to buy ads in print media, gets you to buy a Chevy instead of a Ford, gets you to go to PSAI instead of MDEA or PADI, gets you to buy ScubaPro instead of US Divers. A Marketer puts the image in your head that you need to dive, drive, and eat a warm, nutritious breakfast with Grandpa instead of cold cereal again.
A marketer for the scuba "industry" would make the scuba jingle pop into our heads when we think "leisure activity" or "Caribbean cruise" or any of a number of thoughts. It's what DEMA tries to do, they just do it very poorly.
As an edit, Ray's marketing efforts are working well. We poor fools are hanging on his every word, hoping we're right, and hoping we're gonna get a gold star from him. Get it? He's marketing, not selling.